I’ve sent off the mixes of Hate to Say Goodbye. I’m thinking I may post a two minute clip of the song in the Clubhouse in the next few days, so keep an eye out for that. I’m still cutting up the chunks of the Keyclub show. I will be posting a new song a week in the Clubhouse. Thus you’ll be able to catch most of the KeyClub show – price of admission: Free. Even cooler is I’m going to finally have my own custom picks with my signature on them. Yippee! Should have them in the next few weeks.
Movie Pick of the Week: First off, there are two here for me to comment on (my rating scale thing is new and is based on a ten point system)…
Alone in the Dark: I’m not sure who felt it would be a good idea to put money into this. My first reaction is that Christian Slater and Stephen Dorf must have turned to each other after the first day of shooting and asked each other “is this shit or what?!?”. Almost the worst story I’ve even been subjected too. Don’t get me started on the special effects, I could probably render better CGI on my home computer. it barely even got exciting, in fact most of it was worse than B movie action. The one liners and most of the retorts in this movie were overly predictable and often times ripped off from movies like Alien. Personally I like Christian and Stephen, but the quality of what they had to work with really killed their ability to even seem like they were acting. Tara, well – lets just say she should stick to things like Van Wilder and American Pie. The rest of the cast, ugh. As for the look of the film, It seems like they borrowed cameras and different lenses to shoot each angle of a scene. The film grain was inconsistent and the look was a mess. This movie was off on so many levels. Don’t waste your time, don’t even rent it.
Story Rating: 2.
Special Effects Rating: 2.
Action Rating: 3.
Dialogue Rating: 1.
Acting Rating: 2.
Production Rating: 3.
Overall Rating: 2.2.
In Good Company: First off, I went into this thinking it had potential. Though not as good as I had anticipated, it was ok. It had moments of splagh (cheese-factor). The concept was there, but it was overly obvious and took the characters a long time to reel it in. There wasn’t any real action other than Dennis throwing a punch. Some of the dialogue was trite, but there were some good lines here and there. I like Dennis Quaid. I like Topher – though his character in this movie was scattered. Scarlett was much better in this movie than in Lost In Tokyo (Translation, I know). The film was coherent in look and feel, but obviously there wasn’t an over-the-top look to this movie. While this film didn’t knock me off my feet and it had some character development flaws, it was bearable. I wouldn’t rush out to see this, but it would make a good rental or even a matinee.
Story Rating: 6.
Special Effects Rating: n/a.
Action Rating: n/a.
Dialogue Rating: 5.
Acting Rating: 6.
Production Rating: 5.
Overall Rating: 5.5.
So there it is.
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