Yup, you heard it last night. I was one of the featured artists on KLOS 95.5 and their Local Licks show. I was played alongside Kat Parsons and All American Tragedy. It was a cool little feature and I’m happy I got picked to be played. If you’re stopping by because you heard the show last night, welcome! Poke around and have fun. I’d like to thank KLOS and Terry Gladstone for picking me for the show. I really appreciate it.
In other news, I’m finally coming out of the bag with the fact that I’m searching for investors. That’s right, I’m looking for an angel to come my way and provide some serious backing. Hell Jody, I know tons of investors, how do I tell them about you? Great question. In fact, I’m happy you asked. I have created a special little business plan summary on my website where you can send all of your investor friends who love music and want to ride some coattails to glory. Whose coattails would be better than mine? Wouldn’t you like to go down in history as the person that helped break the first non-signed artist on iTunes to the world? Just think you could have your name in the credits of Practical Insanity. Oh, damn, I almost forgot the link: Jody Whitesides’ Business Plan. All I ask is that you take the time to help. I do have full color printed versions that I will gladly send to any investor.
I figured I’d repost the movie pick since I barely got it up yesterday.
Movie Pick of the Week: Sin City. If you haven’t already seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see one of the most cinematic achievements in film. The style on this is the selling point. Don’t go for the story – the story is difficult to follow and in some cases doesn’t even make any sense. But visually this movie is insanely cool. There is an all star cast that seems to work quite well in terms of interaction between characters. One other word of caution, it has great comicbook violence and the movie feels very long.
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