WKZQ plays All The Things

Well, I’ve been stuck in Utah awaiting a windshield for the bus. It’s been a little frustrating. I’m attempting to be all legit with everything about the bus and I’m running into tons of roadblocks. I can’t find insurance for the bus yet because I’m not a senior citizen. Go Fucking Figure on that one. I’ve got a couple of calls in to hopefully find some before I leave town. Otherwise I’m going without it until I find it. Not Fun.

WKZQ 101.7 in Mytle Beach, SC has bedcome the official first station to play “All The Things”. So if you heard me, welcome to the website. If you’re a fan, I would really appreciate it if you can e-mail them and request the song. theflighttest@yahoo.com

I should be getting the windshield replaced today and on my way back down to LA. Where I can get back to work on moving forward with the bus and getting more shows. We’re adding an additional show on the 17th in Houston. Look above to see when and where we’ll be. Tell all your Houston area friends so that we’ll have a great turnout.


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