JP and I are driving the bus back from Atlanta. Josh and Henrik had to fly back early due to getting a gig playing for our troups over in Iraq. Josh hates flying with a passion so hopefully he’ll survive the trip.
We got a chance to stop by the Clear Channel radio headquarters yesterday. I had recently befriended Clayton Allen who runs a station out of the building and he invited me out for a tour of the facility since he likes the music from Practical Insanity so much. We had a great time and met a whole lot of people.
The really amazing thing was getting a chance to sit and chat with the programming director who listened to the CD and checked out every song. Even picked “Searching For You” as a single. I also got a chance to cut a couple of radio spots with their DJ Hank from The Outlaw. He was really cool too. I’ll do a much more in depth report on that later.
As for this morning, I woke up and made some breakfast. While I was chowing down I actually saw a Road-Runner bird go cruising by. I had never seen one before and where we’re at at this rest stop in the middle of nowhere Texas there were tons of them cruising around. I got some video and pictures of it. In the next few days I’ll get the rest of the video podcasts up as well as a nice version of the showcase posted as well.
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