Music awards

And the award nominations for 2006 continue to roll in…

This morning I’ve received word that I am nominated for four (4) awards in this years Just Plain Folks awards (JPF). So the things I’m up for awards are:

Best College Rock Song: Falling In
Best Rock Instrumental: Tracking Motion
Best Rock Album: Practical Insanity
Best Short Music Video: Falling In
*** news update: Childrens Storytelling Album: The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

This is a pretty cool thing to me. Why? Because it’s THE largest music awards in the world. It’s larger than the Grammys – the only thing is, you’ve never heard of it until now. That’s right, there are music awards out there that have way more entrants than the exclusive club of the Grammys, et al. This year’s JPF awards had over 25,000 CD’s entered which is somewhere in the neighborhood of over 350,000 songs. To even get a nomination out of that much music means you must be doing something good.

I know I face some stiff competition in all the categories against artists like Vertical Horizon and others. Keep your fingers crossed that I end up holding a JPF award at the ceremony. I’ve been nominated in several of the past ones, but it would be fantastic to finally get a win. So far my best placing has been third.

*** News Update: I was informed by the good people doing Dr. Floyd that I’ve gotten a 5th nomination in the JPF Awards for doing the music of their Podcast which is nominated.


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