Meeting Maurice

Cruising into December…

Things have been going well on the musical front. In case you missed it, I had a great showing at the JPF Awards. Took down best music video for 2006. Woo Hoo.

Moving along with Maurice Starr. I flew out to Florida a few weeks ago and spent several days there. We met with a couple of investors. Played them the music and also showed them the video. It didn’t hurt that I was armed with a fresh win for the video. Maurice also introduced me to Louis Perlman while I was there. We hung out at his place of business to chat about the music and the video as well. He liked what he heard. We’ll see what happens.

In the meantime, Maurice has been setting me up with meetings here in Los Angeles. There’s also been several phone calls to CAA and Octone, working on going for the opening slot on Maroon 5’s next tour – keep some good thoughts going for me on that. Someone is going to come around soon. I can feel it.

The Christmas project is nearing completion. In fact one song, Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer has already been finalized and mastered. I’ve shipped it off to Dr. Demento as per a suggestion from my buddy Grant of Throwing Toasters. We’ll see what happens there.

I finished the artwork from my dad yesterday. Chris is finalizing the last of the mixes tomorrow. Then it’s off the mastering house. Early next week it goes off to iTunes and should hopefully be available for your holiday pleasure this year.

Stay tuned and keep an ear out for me.


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