Song Decisions

Music is flow. Music is life. When it comes to getting ready to record new music, decisions have to be made. Sometimes they’re easy, sometimes they’re not. I’ve been slotting out new songs and have finally got it down to 18 new ones that seem to resonate best. Not only with me, but with others as well. It’s these song decisions that make up what artists will release.

I’ve been mulling it over and I’ve come to decide the following. I will put full effort into the final 18 songs that are left in the hopper. Meaning I will record all 18 of them to studio greatness. Once I’ve done that 12 of them will go on to make the official release. The other 6 will be bonus gems to be fawned over by die hard fans.

Here’s the song titles, in no particular order other than alphabetic:

American Mayhem
Imagine Life
In Disguise
It Burns
Jupiter Bowl
Love Takes a Holiday
New Here
Stand My Ground
Stand Up
Things Left Unsaid
Thump Thump Thump
Till We Meet Again
Vaporize Your Heart
Waiting On One thing
You Can’t Hear

I’m not going to tease you with a time frame just yet but these songs are going to see a release date. I promise you that. Besides what good would it be for me to make these song decisions and then screw up the date if they weren’t done yet? None, I tell you. None good.

— Jody