9 BS Facts About Jody Whitesides Everyone Thinks Are True

9 BS Facts

Oh the things we can hear about ourselves when it comes to the Internet and the amazing stories it can bring. Or rather the interesting things I hear about myself via word of mouth. I do enjoy some good salacious news like anyone else, it’s mind numbing what people do actually conjure out of thin air to make themselves feel better when it relates to others. Then again, I really ought to be used to this by now – it’s part of being a public persona. Which brings me to a little post about some of the stuff I’m hearing that isn’t really true and I’ll debunk ’em right now. Yes, 9 BS facts about Jody Whitesides everyone thinks are true.

So lets get to this little list of tomfoolery that should stop spreading…

9 BS Facts:

    1. Jody is a dwarf. Believe it or not, I’ve actually heard this and wondered how in the world it came about. Especially when I do actually stand at 6’4″ or 193.04 cm. It’s even on my biography page! Yet still… there are some who don’t believe until they meet me.
    2. Jody is already dead and has been replaced by a clone like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Or much like the controversy surround Sir Paul McCartney and the infamous photo of him crossing the street barefoot in front of Abbey Road Studios. I’m still very much me. Though I have also crosse the infamous street in front of Abbey Road Studios barefoot, in the dark and the rain. Unfortunately the photographic proof is too dark to tell if it really was me.
    3. Jody dated Taylor Swift. Seriously? While I can understand dating her from a height perspective, she is tall and I am taller, I’ve never actually met her. Maybe this recent idea stems from the song I wrote as a joke poking a little fun at her. Regardless. No, I’ve never dated Taylor Swift.
    4. Jody is a Vampire. This is pretty funny when you think about it. I don’t have fangs like a vampire. It is true that I plan on living a good 150 years without serious medical help. But I attribute that to exercise, sleep, and eating healthy, not from sucking blood.
    5. Jody owns a TV. Yup, I’ve been made to be one of the masses on this one. Must be because so much music that I’ve done has appeared in TV shows in the past several years. However, I do not own a TV. Never have. I may some day in the future, but that time has not yet come. Some of you must think “Well, how do you watch stuff and talk about it?” The simple answer: technology – you don’t need a TV to watch stuff any more.
    6. Jody is a girl. It’s true that I’ve gotten email addressed to Ms. Jody Whitesides. I’ve even had people exclaim “Wait, you’re a guy?!?” When they meet me or talk to me via phone or video chat. Yes, despite the gender bias of my name, I am not a female. I’m 100% male.
    7. Jody has a phobia of horror movies. What?!? As a person who isn’t afraid of much of anything, I’m having difficulty understanding where this one came from. Maybe it’s because last year I decided to do 30 days of horror movies in 30 days. Someone must have thought that I was getting over a fear of scary movies. Nonetheless, being the movie buff that I am – I dig horror movies. Have you seen The Conjuring?
    8. Jody can’t ski for shit. If we’re taking the term shit literally, then no, I’m not. However, if we take the concept of meaning that I can’t ski, well… then the reality is, unfounded. Turns out I’m a good skier. Good enough to have been nationally ranked in freestyle events. Though it’s been a few years since I’ve competed on a national level, I can still tear it up – even without a helmet (no, I don’t wear a helmet to ski).
    9. (Going musical on this one) Jody can’t sing without Autotune. When I was first learning to sing a few years back, I’d admit that I would have loved to have been able to tune myself on the spot. However, as it turns out, I learned to sing the old fashioned way. Trial and error, while recording and listening back. It certainly helps that I can hear if I’m out of tune. So much trial and error eventually got me to the point where I can sing in tune even at times when I can’t hear myself. So no, I don’t not need autotune to sing.

Performing @ NAMM Without Autotune - 9 BS Facts

And there ya have it. 9 BS facts about me that really aren’t true. Now you have the straight dope on it. Feel free to share and pass along to anyone not in the know and who thinks otherwise.


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