iTunes Radio

As you may know, Apple made some announcements today about their iPhone product line. I’m betting that the iPhone 5 ends up being the shortest lived iPhone in Apple’s history. Well, maybe except for the 3 and the 3G. I’ve got my eye on the iPhone 5s with its awesome new tech specs. Beyond that, I’m excited to see what comes of Apple’s new service inside of iOS 7 called iTunes Radio.

iTunes RadioiTunes Radio

Several months back I had gotten what are known as NOI’s. A notice of intent to get a compulsory license for my catalog. It’s been a steady stream of services getting into the streaming service. One such service caught my eye – Apple. I found an NOI in my inbox coming from Apple. That made me think, wow, they’re finally going to get into the streaming game. Long before it was actually announced via any rumor site. I felt like I had a little bit of an inside scoop. 🙂

What’s The Deal

As Apple puts it, it’s radio re-imagined. You’ll be able to pick your own station, much like you can with another service that starts with a P. I’m getting a feeling that it will be like a cross between the P service and another service called Spotify. The immediate differences is that you’ll get super quick purchasing direct from iTunes. It’s like the best of both worlds inside one service.

Other Cool Features

Besides your ability to start a Jody Whitesides station 😉 is the ability to use Siri to play a song and start a new station. Use your mouth to get at your music as fast as you can! There will be iTunes Radio exclusives. Hopefully in the not to distant future, I’ll be able to be a part of that with some of the new music I’m creating for you now. One of the other features that makes this cool for the end user is no ads to listen to with the music. I wonder how long that will last?

Looking forward to seeing all of this when it arrives on September 18th in just over a week. The music world takes on another change for the better for the consumer!