Wolves By Big Wreck

Wolves Album Cover

Wolves Album CoverYesterday I happened to catch a Facebook post by a long time friend of mine. We both played on the Los Angeles circuit with our bands when we were cutting our teeth. His post was how he had just discovered an artist called Ian Thornley who fronts a little group known as Big Wreck. It reminded me how I had heard of Big Wreck from some friends in Las Vegas some time after they had released The Pleasure and The Greed. I was hooked immediately. Amazing and creative rock guitar based writing, smothered with clever lyrics and an insanely awesome rock voice that I kinda wish I could have. Ian also had a band after Big Wreck called Thornley. However, about a year and a half ago Big Wreck put itself back together and recorded a new set of songs. My favorite single from the release is Wolves. I love the groove, the guitar parts, the mandolin parts, the lyrics, and the amazing melody. It hits a great niche of music where being awesomely clever still means something to rock ‘n’ roll – unfortunately the masses don’t get it. Immerse yourself and bleed out your heart from beating for other music that isn’t so clever. 😉


Oh mark my words
In between the lines
And every little piece
Of the story’s entwined

I always told my side my way.

There was no more room
In the packet of wolves
They wouldn’t let me in
Saw the mission was afoot

They showed us all we were without

Oh, they said bleed out your heart
If it’s still beating for someone else
Trap all those chains
That keep you tethered, that keep you safe

A rosie little world
In your packet of wolves
A cosy little hang
In the back of your school

Those stories always get so old

Well is that one night
Going off the grid
I never said you didn’t
I never said you did

And all of my favourite stories are about you

You said bleed out your heart
If it’s still beating for someone else
Break all those chains
That keep you tethered, that keep you safe

They said bleed out your heart
If it’s still beating for someone else
Trap all those chains
That keep you tethered, that keep you safe

Bleed out your heart
If it’s still beating for someone else
Break all those chains
That keep you tethered, that keep you safe.