Sacramento Kings & Skiing

sacramento-kings-deer-valley-skiingA chairlift ride with a guy from Sacramento lead into a conversation about what I do and that I had a song for the Sacramento Kings. Yup, I was up on a mountain earlier today getting a few runs in. Cause that’s what one should do when their in a resort town getting ready to shoot a music video. Right? Being that it’s the end of the season, there’s only a short window of time where the snow is reasonably skiable. At least for high speed freaks like myself. Yes, I ski fast. No. I do not wear a helmet.

While heading up the hill on a particular ride, I met a guy named Mark who hailed from Sacramento and as skiers do they start chatting about where they’re from and what they do. Thus he asked about the type of music I do and I rattled off the style then mentioned I had a song about the Sacramento Kings. Which of course perks up ears and gets a response. So Mark, if you’re hunting around for the tune, here’s a good place to find it – provided you remembered my name. 🙂

We got into the story of how the song came about, which is a bit of a story in and of itself. Rather than bore you with the text, you’ll have to catch me on the hill on a chairlift next season or maybe on a mountain bike or more preferably at a show, then ask me.

In the meantime, here’s a link to hear the song for the Sacramento Kings and a shout out to their fans! Buy It Now

Do You Want To Play – Sacramento Kings

The Kings are here today
Doin it for their fans and what they want to say
Is Do You Do You Do You Want To Play
Do You Want To Play
Do You Want To Play

We’re gonna stand up stand up
Not sit down sit down
Ain’t tired of all this running around

We’re gonna jump up jump up
And block shots block shots
Ain’t no baskets to be givin away


There’s a foul line foul line
And overtime overtime
Ain’t backin down from either side

There’s warrior cries warrior cries
And aggressive eyes aggressive eyes
Ain’t letting fear get in our minds


We got a special class special class
And fancy flash fancy flash
Staking our claim while talkin some trash

We got some new blood new blood
And some great ones great ones
Pushing the edge to get that championship



Enjoy your day! Good Luck to the Sacramento Kings in the next season.