In case you haven’t been following up for the past several days, I’ve been in England. Check the news archives for my previous adventures.
Yesterday we went out to Wales, which originally due to my ignorance I thought was in the UK. However it isn’t, it’s considered its own country. Duh – silly American. The country side looks much like Birmingham’s, but the road signs all contain English and Gaelic signs (at least I think it was Gaelic). We hung out and had a dinner at a local restaurant. It was quite tasty.
Today we tripped out to Stratford Upon Avon. For those not in the know, this is where Mr. William Shakespeare was born. We strolled around the town. Got to see little shops, houses, and of course the insurgence of Americanism. I had no idea Shakespeare had an affinity for Pizza Hut. We went to the church were he was baptised and now where his bones are apparently at rest. Interesting enough, the church was built in stages a very long time ago, with the first part in 1331. We then tooled around to the house where he was born and the house where he died. The one thing I noticed was how short all the doorways are. I should have some pictures of it when I get back to the states, and I’ll post how tall I look in comparison.
We were shopping at a local market this evening and while we were in there over the store speakers comes on something that you’d never hear in the States… Ozzy Ozbourne was on the loudspeaker system in a grocery market! I had to stop and think about that for a second. Anyway, I guess it could be expected as Ozzy is from Birmingham. Heh. Tonight after dinner I believe we’re going out to the Jug of Ale in Mosely. To have a Pint and catch some live music.
Book Review: I finished Rich Dad Poor Dad last night. Here’s the premise: its about changing your thinking to help you be wealthy and not a slave to money. Instead it’s a way of thinking that money should work for you and not the other way around. I guess I just stated the same thing twice oh well. The most interesting aspect is the change in definition as to what an asset and a liability really is. Already it’s given me a swift kick in the butt. Its not an easy concept for most people to change their thinking about money, but if you’re willing, this book is probably your best start for doing so!
Again, check the archives for previous Englandisms and check back over the next several days as I plan on updating daily. Until then “Cheers!”.
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