The exciting news for this month is the new music video for the song Falling In. It’s right there on the left side of the screen under Motion Pictures. You’ll need Quicktime 7, if you don’t have it go get it. Don’t worry it’s free. So far the feedback on the video has been nothing short of spectacular. So enjoy. I plan on getting it onto iTunes Music Store so that you can purchase it as well, and have your very own high quality copy. I’ll also be shipping it off to The Fuse this week. I also be send it to MTV/2, and VH1 as soon as I get their information.
A new additional name for the bus has been added thanks to my sister. It’s now: “Claire – the Big Orange Crush”. I guess she’s got something that I need to make it all official and stuff. But there it is. I’m more than half down with the new flooring and it looks amazing. Almost ready for our next trip out.
There’s a new bass player in the mix. His name is JP. I’ve been meaning to get pictures of everyone up on the site. I will do it one our next trip out.