I want to say “Hello” to all the new visitors to my website. It seems that the updated look has brought forth a bunch of new people browsing in. I’m quite happy with the response I’ve been getting from people about the Clubhouse section. I’d love to say something overly witty and sarcastic about it, but alas, the words escape me and it won’t actually happen.
I will say that I’m currently listening to John Stewart’s America – Democracy Inaction. But this is a book you say, how can you possibly be listening to it. Well, some good natured people held a gun to John Stewart’s head and forced him to create an audiobook version. Then, somehow, Santa Claus figured I needed to be enlightened. Actually the audio is quite funny. It also makes you wonder how anything ever gets done in the country based upon all the corruption that seems to be built into the democratic process.
If you’re new to me and my music, then congratulations for actually finding my little corner of the web. I certainly appreciate your time in browsing through what I’ve created. Don’t forget to sign up for the e-mail list and get your free mp3 just for doing so! Why would I want to sign up for Jody’s e-mai list? I’ll give you two reasons: Reason 1 – You LOVE the music so much that you want to know everywhere I’m playing and what I’m doing so you can stalk me. Reason 2 – You HATE the music so much that you want to make sure that you have my schedule so that you never ever run into me ever again.
Have a great day!