Author: Jody Whitesides

  • Three New Songs

    Ok, so we’re finally getting into the swing of the New Year. So far I’ve had three new songs mastered. One of them you can hear the demo version of on the music page (“Closer To Ourselves”). In the interim I will be finishing up some other songs this weekend and spending some time writing with Will Champlin on another new song.

    For those wondering what’s happening for the legal digital downloads, the story goes like this… Right now you can purchase the Amalgam “Delicate Stretch of the Seems” mkII on I’ve been waiting upon final arrival at iTunes, Napster, MusicMatch, and others. All my music will be on all those services. They have the music, I’m waiting on them to update their systems. I will post all links here as soon as they go live.

    In the mean time things are looking very good for the new Album and it’s getting picked up for major release. I’ll keep y’all posted on that too.

    Have a great day!

  • Happy New Year 2004

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Stay tuned for new demo clips and other fun news. Until then, stop on by at the message boards and make your prediction as to what will happen to my musical career this year!

  • Christmas in December

    Hey, hey, hey…

    It’s a little holiday time. I’d like to congratulate Rosalyn S. who was the quickest to respond to the answer for the December newsletter question of where the answer of life is: 42. Of course we all know that it comes from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. If you haven’t read that book, do yourself a huge favor and go check it out from the library or purchase the whole series.

    Now, in the spirit of the Christmas holiday, you can get a full mp3 of a holiday song I’ve written. Get the Christmas song. You are welcome to download it, copy it, give it to friends, etc… spread the holiday cheer.

    Also, cause I’m feeling so nice, I’ve posted yet another clip of a new song demo that has been heard around some label offices. I’m currently putting the finishing touches on several more songs. Which will make their debut here early in the new year.

    Check back on Christmas Eve.