Author: Jody Whitesides

  • Thanksgiving Stories

    Ok, so I sent out the November news letter and started to get emails about strange Thanksgiving Day stories. In light of some of the responses I’ve already gotten, I’d like to turn this into a contest…

    So, email me your strangest Thanksgiving Day story (it has to be true please) and come the first week of December I’ll figure out which story I like best. The winner will receive their story posted here for the world to see, and will get a copy of A Natural Leap Forward (website). You’ll either win the CD or the DVD, but you won’t get both.

    In the mean time, I’ll post a clip of another new song “Favor Me” early next week. Come on back to listen, but before you leave, check out “Closer to Ourselves” on the music page.

    See ya soon.

  • Studio working

    Crackin in the studio working on the new songs for an A’n’R person I’ve recently met. Changes where made to one song (already posted a clip here on the site), currently finishing up lyrics and recording vocals on two more before I send them in.

    Management is working on getting the people in line to be putting a tour together, will keep you posted.

    Check back next week for the next song demo clip to be posted. Don’t be shy and email me your thoughts about the new songs or any of the old CD’s.


  • Halloween


    Happy Halloween everyone!

    You can hear a clip of the new song Closer to Ourselves on the music page. Enjoy!