I want to thank everyone who participated in the September Contest. As you can see there have been some changes made to the website to make it quicker and easier for everyone to use. So poke around and see what you find here.
It’s finally been made official: I’m now managed by Ultrasound Entertainment. The contract has been signed and we’re good to go.
The first order of business has been to put “A Natural Leap Forward” on the shelf for a while. We’re going after the bigger picture. I’ve already written three new songs: “Falling In”, “Favor Me”, and “Closer To Ourselves”. The response on these three has been nothing short of spectacular. So I’m very happy to be toting them to the Durango Songwriters Expo with me.
With that said, I’ll be heading to Durango Colorado for a few days in early Oct. Hobnobbing with A’n’R, Film/TV, Music Supervisors, Publishers, etc… I’m going for the jugular. I’ll either come back with a very promising future or I’ll die!
The manager is out hunting for a new booking agency and will be working with them on booking me on a tour for spring/summer of 2004. Between now and the future I’ll be writing another bag of songs to accompany these three that I already have. No word on the title for the new disc, but I can tell you it will turn heads, in great ways and not like the Exorcist or the re-release of Alien!
I’ll let you know about the Theme song I’ve written and its details just as soon as I hear about it’s acceptance or dismissal.
Always check back for show updates. All shows for the rest of the year will be special events.
Come Back Soon!