Category: Fit To Print

  • iTunes Radio

    iTunes Radio

    As you may know, Apple made some announcements today about their iPhone product line. I’m betting that the iPhone 5 ends up being the shortest lived iPhone in Apple’s history. Well, maybe except for the 3 and the 3G. I’ve got my eye on the iPhone 5s with its awesome new tech specs. Beyond that, I’m excited to see what comes of Apple’s new service inside of iOS 7 called iTunes Radio.

    iTunes RadioiTunes Radio

    Several months back I had gotten what are known as NOI’s. A notice of intent to get a compulsory license for my catalog. It’s been a steady stream of services getting into the streaming service. One such service caught my eye – Apple. I found an NOI in my inbox coming from Apple. That made me think, wow, they’re finally going to get into the streaming game. Long before it was actually announced via any rumor site. I felt like I had a little bit of an inside scoop. 🙂

    What’s The Deal

    As Apple puts it, it’s radio re-imagined. You’ll be able to pick your own station, much like you can with another service that starts with a P. I’m getting a feeling that it will be like a cross between the P service and another service called Spotify. The immediate differences is that you’ll get super quick purchasing direct from iTunes. It’s like the best of both worlds inside one service.

    Other Cool Features

    Besides your ability to start a Jody Whitesides station 😉 is the ability to use Siri to play a song and start a new station. Use your mouth to get at your music as fast as you can! There will be iTunes Radio exclusives. Hopefully in the not to distant future, I’ll be able to be a part of that with some of the new music I’m creating for you now. One of the other features that makes this cool for the end user is no ads to listen to with the music. I wonder how long that will last?

    Looking forward to seeing all of this when it arrives on September 18th in just over a week. The music world takes on another change for the better for the consumer!

  • Brighter Side Of Success

    Brighter Side Of Success

    Brighter Side of SuccessOne of the songs I’ve been working on lately that originally underwent a pretty big lyric rewrite. Oddly enough at it’s current stage it got voted into the top 18 from 72 songs. Lyrically, I’m still taking a look at the song to make sure it’s where it should be. The melody is strong so that helps a whole lot. Without giving away too much of the song – well, none of the music anyway. You can help produce it with me by Pledging. Here’s an early look at the lyrics in their current form.

    Brighter Side Of Success

    © Too Much Music – Jody Whitesides

    Have you ever noticed
    How the crowds seem to dance around the fame
    Do you ever wonder
    Why they act so over the top without shame

    Rich or poor is only moments away
    Can you believe one or the other is where you’ll stay

    You’ve imagined your dreams
    You’ve dared to believe
    Would your friends all confess
    You’re on the Brighter Side Of Success

    Remember it used to be
    You were someone who’d help out a hurting friend
    And the tabloid’s new flair
    They inflate your ego to set current trends

    Rich or poor is only moments away
    Can you believe one or the other is where you’ll stay

    You’ve imagined your dreams
    You’ve dared to believe
    Would your friends all confess
    You’re on the Brighter Side Of Success

    Rich or poor is only moments away
    Can you believe one or the other is where you’ll stay

    You’ve imagined your dreams
    You’ve dared to believe
    Would your friends all confess
    You’re on the Brighter Side Of Success
    Would your friends all confess
    You’re on the Brighter Side Of Success

    Success is based on factors that seem intangible. Sometimes the craziest stuff will work, sometimes it won’t. Other times, the most amazing art will work, sometimes it won’t. No one appears to have the perfect formula for it. Either way, when you hit it, can you handle the brighter side of success?

  • 9 BS Facts About Jody Whitesides Everyone Thinks Are True

    9 BS Facts About Jody Whitesides Everyone Thinks Are True

    Oh the things we can hear about ourselves when it comes to the Internet and the amazing stories it can bring. Or rather the interesting things I hear about myself via word of mouth. I do enjoy some good salacious news like anyone else, it’s mind numbing what people do actually conjure out of thin air to make themselves feel better when it relates to others. Then again, I really ought to be used to this by now – it’s part of being a public persona. Which brings me to a little post about some of the stuff I’m hearing that isn’t really true and I’ll debunk ’em right now. Yes, 9 BS facts about Jody Whitesides everyone thinks are true.

    So lets get to this little list of tomfoolery that should stop spreading…

    9 BS Facts:

      1. Jody is a dwarf. Believe it or not, I’ve actually heard this and wondered how in the world it came about. Especially when I do actually stand at 6’4″ or 193.04 cm. It’s even on my biography page! Yet still… there are some who don’t believe until they meet me.
      2. Jody is already dead and has been replaced by a clone like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Or much like the controversy surround Sir Paul McCartney and the infamous photo of him crossing the street barefoot in front of Abbey Road Studios. I’m still very much me. Though I have also crosse the infamous street in front of Abbey Road Studios barefoot, in the dark and the rain. Unfortunately the photographic proof is too dark to tell if it really was me.
      3. Jody dated Taylor Swift. Seriously? While I can understand dating her from a height perspective, she is tall and I am taller, I’ve never actually met her. Maybe this recent idea stems from the song I wrote as a joke poking a little fun at her. Regardless. No, I’ve never dated Taylor Swift.
      4. Jody is a Vampire. This is pretty funny when you think about it. I don’t have fangs like a vampire. It is true that I plan on living a good 150 years without serious medical help. But I attribute that to exercise, sleep, and eating healthy, not from sucking blood.
      5. Jody owns a TV. Yup, I’ve been made to be one of the masses on this one. Must be because so much music that I’ve done has appeared in TV shows in the past several years. However, I do not own a TV. Never have. I may some day in the future, but that time has not yet come. Some of you must think “Well, how do you watch stuff and talk about it?” The simple answer: technology – you don’t need a TV to watch stuff any more.
      6. Jody is a girl. It’s true that I’ve gotten email addressed to Ms. Jody Whitesides. I’ve even had people exclaim “Wait, you’re a guy?!?” When they meet me or talk to me via phone or video chat. Yes, despite the gender bias of my name, I am not a female. I’m 100% male.
      7. Jody has a phobia of horror movies. What?!? As a person who isn’t afraid of much of anything, I’m having difficulty understanding where this one came from. Maybe it’s because last year I decided to do 30 days of horror movies in 30 days. Someone must have thought that I was getting over a fear of scary movies. Nonetheless, being the movie buff that I am – I dig horror movies. Have you seen The Conjuring?
      8. Jody can’t ski for shit. If we’re taking the term shit literally, then no, I’m not. However, if we take the concept of meaning that I can’t ski, well… then the reality is, unfounded. Turns out I’m a good skier. Good enough to have been nationally ranked in freestyle events. Though it’s been a few years since I’ve competed on a national level, I can still tear it up – even without a helmet (no, I don’t wear a helmet to ski).
      9. (Going musical on this one) Jody can’t sing without Autotune. When I was first learning to sing a few years back, I’d admit that I would have loved to have been able to tune myself on the spot. However, as it turns out, I learned to sing the old fashioned way. Trial and error, while recording and listening back. It certainly helps that I can hear if I’m out of tune. So much trial and error eventually got me to the point where I can sing in tune even at times when I can’t hear myself. So no, I don’t not need autotune to sing.

    Performing @ NAMM Without Autotune - 9 BS Facts

    And there ya have it. 9 BS facts about me that really aren’t true. Now you have the straight dope on it. Feel free to share and pass along to anyone not in the know and who thinks otherwise.

  • Calm Before The Crowdfunding Storm

    Calm Before The Crowdfunding Storm

    Calm Before

    It’s 7:32 p.m. and I’m sitting here on a Saturday night about to head out with some friends for a long time friend’s birthday party. There’s been a little thunder, lightening, rain, and even some hail. Yes, even some hail. Yet, I’m feeling a little peace as there’s about to be a whirlwind of a storm with my PledgeMusic campaign starting on July 10th. Oh the irony, I’m experiencing a calm before the crowdfunding storm and it’s storming outside for real. Somebody pinch me.

    A few minutes ago I read the article that was released on the 5th from the Park Record (read the article). I was interviewed about the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. I’m duly impressed. It’s a really good article. Explains the situation extremely well and even makes the vibe a bit compelling. Major thanks to Scott Iwasaki for grabbing a bit to eat at Chubasco’s and doing a nice low pressure interview over some mexican food. What a process it took for me to get to this point. And yet, there might be another twist in the wind due to a chance encounter on the 4th of July.

    Calm Before The Storm

    Getting Ready

    In the past week, I’ve shot a video, written two songs for outside projects, and been prepping even more of this coming adventure with my crew. Come Wednesday I have the feeling lots of things are going to change and I want to make sure that I’m giving my full and undivided attention to the process. Which will mean even more video, who knows, it might become  a daily process. All the more reason that the last two months of prep are now winding down and I get a few moments of calm before it all hits.

    I know come Monday there will be a bit more prep work as the final touches are done up on my PledgeMusic page. The last bits of research and adjustments will get ironed out and then boom – it will start. Stayed tuned because the link to PledgeMusic will be coming shortly and I’ll be calling upon you to help spread the word and donate to the cause. We all need help and I need yours. Thus I’ll have a few extra breaths and a beer or two to celebrate a birthday and the campaign. Enjoy the calm before the impending crowdfunding storm.

  • Television Jodyfied

    Television Jodyfied

    It’s that time of year again where I’m getting more info as to where music created under my hands has been out in the wild in the last quarter. Meaning I’ve got another list of television shows where you’ve heard my creations. My request is for you to comment and let me know if you’re watching any of these shows. Reveal which ones are on your have to watch television list.

    American Ninja Warrior
    The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson
    Design Squad Nation
    The Jeff Probst Show
    A.N.T. Farm
    Auction Hunters
    All My Children
    Austin & Ally
    Bang For Your Buck
    Beverly Hills 90210
    Brothers & Sisters
    Chasing The Dream
    Days Of Our Lives
    Dog With A Blog
    E! News
    E! News Special
    Fish Hooks
    General Hospital
    Good Luck Charlie
    How I Made My Millions
    One Life To Live
    One Tree Hill
    Shake It Up
    The Cheetah Girl: One World
    The Suite Life On Deck
    The Young And The Restless
    Veronica Mars
    World’s Strictest Parents
    Wizards of Waverly Place

    What a list eh? More new shows. More episodes of Veronica Mars. Speaking of which I was interviewed on a Veronica Mars podcast this morning. A fun interview and one that I hope I’ll have a link to share with you soon. Heidi had some great questions and we covered other television shows I’ve had music on. Plus she is linking another song you’ve hopefully heard at the end of the interview.

    veronica mars television poster

    If you’re a fan of any of these shows. I’m going to ask you to please sign up on my email list. Find out when I get more music on television shows and get into more of my music that is specifically my artist side. You’ll enjoy it, I know it.

  • P!nk Getting Jody Treatment

    P!nk Getting Jody Treatment

    I don’t often work on doing cover songs. There’s a bit of a foreign concept to me. Mostly due to me not learning a lot of songs when I started playing music. However, once in a while I do find a song where I’ll actually learn it and do a version of it. Such is the case with a recent P!nk tune known as Just Give Me A Reason.

    I’ve worked up a version with a new signing friend Kristy Hanson. She’s actually tackling P!nk’s part, while I’m putting the music and the duet vocal part of Nate Ruess. I’m happy with the way it’s turning out. I should be done with the mix tonight.

    Here’s a little lyric image of the chorus:

    just give me a reason - P!nk


    I’ll likely be shooting some video for this and making it one of the pledge rewards for those who are interested in being a part of my PledgeMusic campaign coming on July 8th.

    In the meantime, enjoy your day. Don’t be broken! Thanks P!nk for another great song. At some point I’m gonna want to co-write one with you. That’s right, I’m throwing the gauntlet down and saying I want to write a hit duet with you as well.

  • Redesigning The Look And Feel

    Redesigning The Look And Feel

    In case you’ve been around my spot of the web before, today you’ll notice a bit of a change. Yes, there’s a little bit of a change in the air. Think of it as a rebranding or more like a redesigning the look and feel of my digital home.

    A couple of motivating factors led to this update. First and foremost in redesigning the look was a desire to have a site that works well with the responsive design of the programmer’s theme. The old version held some of it’s responsiveness, but I had made so many tweaks to the CSS that it had a tendency to fall apart when it hit the phone screen. Thus I had turned it off – meaning browsing on a phone had you zooming in and out. So 2012.

    Now the site flows well from 30″ computer monitors, right on down to phone screens. That’s a big plus.

    The second factor for redesigning the look was a desire to make better use of images as part of the navigational aspect of the site. I love sites that keep things simple. Certainly what I’ve attempted to do here, but with a growing catalog of material, it needed a spiffier interface. My theme has the capability and I’m making better use of it. Which is why you’re now seeing more images. Plus on specific pages, I’m focusing more on that content rather than a kitchen sink of everything.

    Another recent update is the addition of limited liner notes on my lyric pages. Some more surprises are in store so bookmark me and come on back soon. Better yet, sign up to get on my email list and get a strong heads up as to when I have anything new and fun to write up about, especially the music!

    Take a poke around, enjoy my redesigning the look and feel of the site. Tell a friend and share.

    – Jody

  • Sunday Morning With Maroon 5

    Sunday Morning With Maroon 5

    I remember that when I purchased the “Songs About Jane” CD by Maroon 5, it was the first CD I had bought in a few months. Mostly because I wasn’t finding a whole lot of good music at that time. In walks Maroon 5 and I latched on to this CD in a big way. One of my favorite songs from the disc is Sunday Morning. The girl I was dating at the time loved to hear me sing this song when it played. I really dig the melody of the tune and the pictures it creates in the mind of lazing around on a Sunday.


    Sunday morning rain is falling
    Steal some covers, share some skin
    Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
    You twist to fit the mold that I am in
    But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
    And I would gladly hit the road, get up, and go if I knew
    That someday it would lead me back to you
    That someday it would lead me back to you

    That may be all I need
    In darkness, she is all I see
    Come and rest your bones with me
    Driving slow on Sunday morning
    And I never want to leave

    Fingers trace your every outline, oh yeah
    Paint a picture with my hands
    And back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
    Change the weather, still together when it ends

    That may be all I need
    In darkness, she is all I see
    Come and rest your bones with me
    Driving slow on Sunday morning
    And I never want to leave

    Oh yeah, but things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
    Sunday morning rain is falling, and I’m calling out to you
    Singing, someday it’ll bring me back to you, yeah
    Find a way to bring myself back home to you

    You may not know
    That may be all I need
    In darkness, she is all I see
    Come and rest your bones with me
    Driving slow on Sunday morning, driving slow
    Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah…
    I’m a flower in your hair, I’m a flower in your hair
    Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah, oh yeah…

    Get back here
    Get back here, yeah…

  • Sneak Peek At The Truth Lyrics

    Sneak Peek At The Truth Lyrics

    I’ve recently finished writing a song with the lovely and formidable Manda Mosher. It’s our first foray into doing a co-write and I’m hoping it leads to many more. She’s a pleasure to write with. I’m here to give you a sneak peek at The Truth lyrics which is the title of the song we penned.

    Without further ado (on the day of the release of #MuchADo):

    The Truth

    ©2013 Mosher/Whitesides

    I was reading back through the pages of my history
    I found you there – so innocent
    Your eyes your hair the way you smile the way you touch
    It all inspired me – to trust you

    Those conversations you were having always hiding
    All came back to me – those conversations
    You were always searching you were feeling all that loneliness
    When you’re with me – have you filled it

    Your side my side
    The Truth it can not hide
    You once were mine
    Those stars they weren’t aligned
    Your side my side
    The Truth it can not hide

    I don’t regret all the time I shared because I cared
    So much for you – every moment
    Go and bleed me out of your heart and let it beat again
    For someone new – I’ll miss you

    Your side my side
    The Truth it can not hide

    Sneak Peek of The Truth

    We’ve got a demo recorded and I’m sure we’ll be sprucing it up before too long to present to the world in fully finished form. In the meantime make sure you follow her band Calico on twitter or Facebook. On that note, do the same for me Twitter <– follow Facebook <– follow. If for no other reason that to stay up on other sneak peeks either of us may be unleashing into the world. Why would you want to be the last to know? Be the first, it’s so much better!

    Stay tuned.

    – Jody

  • Heart And Soul by T’Pau

    Heart And Soul by T’Pau

    You know, I remember this as a kid. I really liked this song and I have no real idea why. It’s Heart and Soul by T’Pau. These are the lyrics and I’ve linked the video too.

    Heart and Soul Lyrics

    Something in the moonlight catches my eye
    The shadow of a lover goes dancing by
    Looking for a little bit of love to grow, so
    Give me love, give me heart and soul
    You never let me cross to the other side now
    I’m tied to the hope that you will somehow
    Hard on the heels of something more
    But I lost your love, heart and soul

    The tear in my heart as you walk on by (more than an ocean)
    I feel so low and your head is high
    Everything you do convinces me more, please (keeps us apart)
    Give me love, give me heart and soul
    Looking to the day when I saw your face (I feel a tearing in half of my heart)
    I wasn’t in the running, I wasn’t in the race
    You move in a way that I’ve known before
    Now I want your love, heart and soul

    leaving you ain’t easy now (Tired eyes, tears that dried)
    loving you’s the harder part (On the bed, on the pillow, where the love has died)
    you never want me for myself (A turn of the key, through the door you go)
    now I’ve needed you right from the very start (Don’t look back, to hurt me more )
    (Everything you said was to the point)
    oh won’t you even try to (Can’t you try to)

    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    Give a little bit of love to grow
    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    And don’t you make me beg for more (must I beg you)
    Give a sign, I need to know
    A little bit of heart and soul

    Walking on the water, walking on the air (a walk on the water)
    That was the heart of the love we shared
    Do you keep secret left untold (is all that I need)
    Can’t give love, heart or soul
    I used to have a lover with a Midas touch (but miracles are not happening)
    I turned to gold but he turned to dust
    Left me for another, I turned to stone
    Now give me love, heart and soul
    [ From: ]

    living in a fantasy (Tired eyes, tears that dried)
    there’s never any room to breathe (On the bed, on the pillow, where you told your lies)
    hoping every waking hour (A turn of the key, my blood runs cold)
    you’ll turn around and say that we can start (Don’t look back to hurt me more)
    (Everything you did just said it all)
    oh won’t you even try to (Can’t you try to)

    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    Give a little bit of love to grow
    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    And don’t you make me beg for more (must I beg you)
    Give a sign, I need to know
    A little bit of heart and soul

    Somehow, I lost my way
    Looking to see something in your eyes
    But love will never compromise
    Now this is the politics of life, yeah!

    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    Give a little bit of love to grow
    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    And don’t you make me beg for more (must I beg you)
    Give a sign, I need to know
    A little bit, little bit

    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    Give a little bit of love to grow
    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    And don’t you make me beg for more (must I beg you)
    Give a sign, I need to know
    A little bit, little bit

    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    Give a little bit of love to grow
    Give a little bit of heart and soul (give a little bit of heart and soul)
    And don’t you make me beg for more (must I beg you)
    Give a sign, I need to know, whoooah!
    Give a little bit of heart and soul
    Give a little bit of heart and soul


    Heart and Soul cover

    Enjoy a little bit of #ThrowbackThursday