Category: Fit To Print

  • More Music In More Countries

    More Music In More Countries

    One thing that will make a musician smile is a broadening of the fan base. Something I’ve got to smile about is that I’m getting more music in more countries lately. Lets see some of the far reaches of where new peeps are listening…


    I think Taiwan wins the farthest away prize. Switzerland is the one I’d really like to visit in the near future.

    Where are you from? Have you got friends in exotic and remote locations? Have you told them they should hear the music? Let’s get the music moving to all corners of the globe [yes, I know that’s a bizarre statement]. Demand it! More Music In More Countries!

  • More Deep Meditation From Calysto

    More Deep Meditation From Calysto

    I’m happy to be back at the helm for yet another release by Calysto Bourne. He’s a great meditation and mantra chanting artist who is creating some really awesome tracks. Especially for those who need some serious relaxation time. He’s asked me to continue in my capacity as producer for the latest project that is now available on iTunes, Amazon and other digital services.

    This is another one hour chant designed to draw you in, and bring you to a deep state of relaxation. If I’m not mistaken and Calysto doesn’t get bummed about it, I believe there are 4 more one hour chants coming in the future – to complete the series.

    Go get “Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum (Deep Meditation)” and get your soul in peaceful shape.


    — Jody

  • Morning Rays Music In A Commercial

    I wanted to out a dirty little secret… Morning Rays music in a commercial that is running right now. It’s always a treat to create something and forget about it once it’s done. Which is essentially what I do with stuff I write for other people. Yes, I do create music beyond my CDs as much as I want to keep it a secret – it gets out.

    Right now there’s a University called Capella University. They’re using a song I wrote called Morning Rays that is being distributed by APM. I happened to hanging out somewhere when all of a sudden I hear this melody that I co-wrote with Robert Navarro.

    Here’s the video, as I had to go find it online since I’m a little vain in that respect…

    Enjoy and let me know if you’ve caught this song in the commercial or have heard it somewhere else. I’ll feature you for informing me.


    — Jody

  • Song Voting Coming To An End

    There’s less than a week left in a cool little project of putting your ears to good use. I’ve been having you the Unity 42 fan to help pick the songs that will be presented on the next CD. It started with over 70 songs and has been an adventure getting them down to a studio manageable amount of 12. What I’m saying is song voting is coming to an end.

    It will end on the 30th of June.

    After which comes my process of going through the chosen songs to make tweaks to the arrangement, tempo, and any lyrical content that may need modifying. Once that’s done I should be heading into the studio with a band of friends to knock out the recordings. It’s exciting to have all this going on.

    Thanks to everyone that has been participating. If you have participated yet – why not?

    — Jody

  • More Soccer Goodness From Don't Kick The Baby

    A little update for my side project known as Don’t Kick The Baby

    Turns out that now the rest of the variations of Go Get The Goal are now available on iTunes and many of your other favorite digital superstores. I’m not sure how soon it will be gracing the streams of Spotify, Deezer and the like, but I’m sure it will be soon if it’s not already.

    Make sure you tell your Soccer loving friends Stateside that they can get their favorite team’s version for the MLS. For all my friends across both ponds, all of England and Australia football teams are covered at the moment for their main leagues. More leagues coming soon. As are versions for foreign language teams as well.

    Viva La Football, Viva La Soccer. <– not sure that’s the right phrase but roll with it anyway.

    — Jody

  • A Musician With A Full Plate

    Unlike the recent story that graced the pages of the SESAC Magazine, this interview with the Park Record is one I haven’t forgotten about. Mostly because I sat with Scott just last week. Based on that and him telling me the story would run on Saturday it’s pretty easy to remember that it was recent. The best part is, it’s another write up that really went well. I may be a musician with a full plate, but I still enjoy reading a good article.

    Here’s the link for the article that appeared in The Park Record on Saturday May 12th. (click the paper name)

    The two highlights are the song voting and the Patrons of Music points that are being announced and are now open on my website. In order to vote on songs, you need to log in to my website here (in the upper right of the column to the right of here). Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to see the “Voting” link in the menu. You hit that and bingo, you can listen to demos for the next CD and then vote on them. It’s a beautiful thing.

    For the Patrons of Music, I’m going the Kickstarter type route without using Kickstarter. The article explains why. Mostly because I’m wanting to cover all my bases beyond major investors.


    — Jody

  • Happy When I'm With You Now Available

    Happy When I'm With You Now Available

    For the next three months: Happy When I’m With You now available for purchase. That’s right my movie-loving, audio hunting friend. You can now purchase the song you’ve been searching for from the movie Lucky starring Colin Hanks.

    The lovely, bouncy and foot tappin tune that plays during their honeymoon montage is available right here, right now! Click the little [ok, the kinda wide] button right now.

    Get “Happy When I’m With You” Now

    That will wisk you to a special place that will allow you to purchase a higher quality version of the song than you’d find on other digital service sites. Hurry and get it now as the offer is going to expire in 3 months from the date of this posting. Not sure when it will become available again after time runs out. Grab it now!


    — Jody

  • Inside SESAC's Spring 2012 Magazine

    Inside SESAC's Spring 2012 Magazine

    A few days ago I was made aware of a nice little fact that had escaped my awareness. Back in January I was interviewed by SESAC about things I had going on musically. The writer of the article managed to whittle a two hour interview down to a half page write up inside SESAC’s Spring 2012 magazine.

    Makes me wish I was the mug on that cover. However, I can understand the desire to go with a well known quantity. Not far off is the day where I’ll be that known quantity – minus all the drugs and abuse. Beside the nice writeup that Tommy Lee gets, I didn’t know he was a SESAC artist until now, there’s a another person inside those pages whom you may recognize. He goes by Jody and you’re here on his website.

    Initial feedback that I’ve heard from friends is that the article is really well written and looks great too. One thing I really dig about my P.R.O. SESAC, they are detail oriented and do things with paid attention to that detail.

    At this point I know you’re wondering to yourself ‘how do I get to read and/or see this article about you Jody?’

    Good question. The answer lies in clicking right here -> SESAC Spring 2012. [or you may have already clicked on the cover image…]

    Take a moment to read it, enjoy it, then make me happy and proud by spreading it around. Click on the share button [below] and pick all your favorite services. You’ll feel instantly better when you do it. Right as rain as “they” say. All because you helped a musician inside SESAC’s Spring 2012 magazine get a further reach on the web with your good deed.

    More coming soon.

    — Jody

    p.s. – have you signed up on my email list yet?


    As an artist with a vested interest in being able to make money with my art I understand the push to help protect IP rights. I’ve seen the protests online. I’ve heard some of the rhetoric flying around. I’ve even been sent an email that have the talking points of an organization that approves of it and why. However, I personally have not read it. Been a little too busy to spend time doing so. While I understand why a bunch of sites want to “black out” today. I obviously didn’t.

    I didn’t out of the fact that I can’t go based on hearsay from both sides. The only way to stage a protest is to be informed and sadly – I’m not informed on this matter. Which is why I’m posting about this today. I respect you for wanting to go dark if you want to go dark. I respect you if you stay lit with your site.

    Until I know the facts I actually have to sit this one out until I get time to read it.

    Peace and hopefully the right thing gets decided on this.

  • Park Record Article

    A recent trip to the Park Record yielded a fun interview with Scott Iwasaki. That interview has now made it’s way into the most recent edition of the Park Record. If you’re in Park City or Salt Lake, make sure you pick up a copy. Otherwise for those who are much further away in distance, you can read the write up via the Park Record’s Website -> Click Here

    Keep your ears open for the upcoming radio interview with Randy Barton on KPCW.