Category: In The Studio

  • Recording Drums

    All the recording has been finished up with for the new CD. The last of the drums were done yesterday with a new drummer and recording went like a breeze. I should be finishing up mixes by thursday and getting the last of the surround sound mixes done friday or monday. Then it’s off the mastering house.

    Obviously I’m busy over the weekend with the video shoot for the song All The Things. It’s an exciting week to say the least.

    I’ve quietly put “A Natural Leap Forward” up on CDbaby. Right now it’s custom copies of the CD and DVD with the full artwork. So it should be making it’s way onto iTunes and other services very soon.

    Two other pieces of the puzzle are falling into place too, in the publicity and booking departments we have some great interest happening. So keep your fingers crossed. Also in process of writing a business plan to raise the capital to do a proper campaign with the new release.

    Come back again.

  • Studio working

    Crackin in the studio working on the new songs for an A’n’R person I’ve recently met. Changes where made to one song (already posted a clip here on the site), currently finishing up lyrics and recording vocals on two more before I send them in.

    Management is working on getting the people in line to be putting a tour together, will keep you posted.

    Check back next week for the next song demo clip to be posted. Don’t be shy and email me your thoughts about the new songs or any of the old CD’s.
