Category: News

  • American Idol?

    Did everyone have a good mother’s day? Actually, did your mom have a good mother’s day? I know I sent my mom a card, did you send one to your’s? Better yet, did you get to spend time with her? My mom is actually out of the country in Turkey so I was unable to speak with her. :: sigh :: Mom’s. Gotta love ’em.

    Getting excited about the show coming up on the 20th. We’re really gonna be in top notch form!

    Oh, I almost forgot all this talk going on about the American Idol. What’s his name? Oh yeah, Correy Clark. Gotta love T.V. Here’s a cat who’s had a few minutes of fame, then gets his record finished and figures out that he now needs publicity to make it sell. Personally I don’t think he chose to the correct path to getting that publicity, but hey as I’ve written it in a song “Good news, Bad news, it’s all fake news… I’ll need lot’s of, Publicity!” From the E.A.R. CD. Well, he’s certainly getting it now, but it’s not centered on his music. Instead its centered on Paula. Great for her, maybe great for him. But certainly not likely good for his career. The Kiss and Tell thing usually happens after you’re famous. Anyway, if you’re a listener of Frosty, Heidi and Frank in Los Angeles, then you likely heard me on Thursday when I called in to the show and asked Heidi if she’d do a scandal like that for their “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” segment. She played along and we got a good little laugh out of it. It didn’t hurt that they remembered who I was. If fact, if anyone actually taped that portion of the show, please send me an MP3 of it. I was actually on the road out of town when that happened.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Kingdom of Heaven. At first I figured how bad could it be for a knights in armour type of movie. Well, I suppose I could have done more research on it before seeing it. I didn’t realize it was all about religion. Once you get around the religious beating over the head and just watch it for the adventure, then it’s pretty cool. Though it is a bit long and drawn out. However, I imagine battles like that would be. I actually liked Orlando Bloom. I think he’s coming into his own as a leading actor and did a great job. I also liked how the King was uncredited and actually played by Edward Norton (or maybe it was just his voice). Either way, if you can stand knights and battles and some head trippy religious spouting, then you’ll be able to love this movie. Otherwise, it’s an ok way to fritter and waste of couple of hours without feeling bad about the money.

  • Searching for investors

    Yup, you heard it last night. I was one of the featured artists on KLOS 95.5 and their Local Licks show. I was played alongside Kat Parsons and All American Tragedy. It was a cool little feature and I’m happy I got picked to be played. If you’re stopping by because you heard the show last night, welcome! Poke around and have fun. I’d like to thank KLOS and Terry Gladstone for picking me for the show. I really appreciate it.

    In other news, I’m finally coming out of the bag with the fact that I’m searching for investors. That’s right, I’m looking for an angel to come my way and provide some serious backing. Hell Jody, I know tons of investors, how do I tell them about you? Great question. In fact, I’m happy you asked. I have created a special little business plan summary on my website where you can send all of your investor friends who love music and want to ride some coattails to glory. Whose coattails would be better than mine? Wouldn’t you like to go down in history as the person that helped break the first non-signed artist on iTunes to the world? Just think you could have your name in the credits of Practical Insanity. Oh, damn, I almost forgot the link: Jody Whitesides’ Business Plan. All I ask is that you take the time to help. I do have full color printed versions that I will gladly send to any investor.

    I figured I’d repost the movie pick since I barely got it up yesterday.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Sin City. If you haven’t already seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see one of the most cinematic achievements in film. The style on this is the selling point. Don’t go for the story – the story is difficult to follow and in some cases doesn’t even make any sense. But visually this movie is insanely cool. There is an all star cast that seems to work quite well in terms of interaction between characters. One other word of caution, it has great comicbook violence and the movie feels very long.

  • KLOS radio

    Oh yeah, I got a phone call Friday afternoon saying that I would be getting played on KLOS this weekend. Tune in at 11 p.m. Sunday evening for the show and I’ll be on there. In case you can’t make it to the radio or miss it, I’ll be taping it and I’ll post it on the website in the Clubhouse for my members to check it out.

    In the mean time, I’ve finished all the backing track stuff that I’ve been talking about for the live show. Finally, finally, finally. What a load of work that was. I’ve also been called up to play guitar on the backing music for a new TV show coming up on the SciFi Channel. Its about launching Rockets with weird things attached to them, or something like that. Already laid down bass and guitar tracks for 4 clips. Will be doing more on Tuesday of next week.

    As far as getting the rest of my music ready for licensing, now that I’ve finished the backing tracks I can put my energies there and probably knock it out this week. Besides its more than 2/3 done.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Sin City. If you haven’t already seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see one of the most cinematic achievements in film. The style on this is the selling point. Don’t go for the story – the story is difficult to follow and in some cases doesn’t even make any sense. But visually this movie is insanely cool. There is an all star cast that seems to work quite well in terms of interaction between characters. One other word of caution, it has great comicbook violence and the movie feels very long.

  • In case you stopped by this morning and thought you read that I was no longer playing music…


    April Fools.

  • Site removed

    Site has been Been removed from service based on inactivity.

  • Few more songs

    Coming around the final bend of March. There’s quite a few entries in the Contest from the Clubhouse. Good luck to everyone that has entered. I’ll announce the winner on April 1st. Along side that winner I’ll be posting the contest for April and you can enter all over again.

    I’m also coming up on the final few songs that have been being converted to the new format for our live show. It’s a great feeling to finally nearing the finish line on that. Also along those lines, I’m nearly finished with the music bits for the licensing stuff I had mentioned before. I feel like when I get it done, I’ll be able to quit music and move on to another profession. Doh, I’m kidding – poor attempt at pre-April-fool’s humor.

    The live show has really come together. The show at the Knitting Factory was highly impressive not only for the audience for us as a band as well. It feels like everything is finally in the right place and we’re going to start kicking some major musical ass. Now if I can just get that pesky film crew to stop following me around. Oh, wait, that’s me thinking like I’m famous already. Speaking of film crews… I’ve put it upon the director of the All The Things video to re-tweak it. I know you’ve not had a chance to see it yet, due time, due time. But I feel the song will be better suited if we manipulate the image and give it a different look. So it’s back to the computer editing and time to hit After Effects. So when we do release the CD/DVD you’ll get the initial version and the MTV version in the package. I swear it’ll be cool.

    To further push the film thing, here’s my Movie Pick of the Week: Beauty Shop. Yes, I know you’re shaking your head. What the hell is a white boy from the big apple and Utah ‘burbs doing going to see that. Well, I have to tell you it was funny. I never did see Barber Shop, I didn’t get it then, but I do know. I imagine that Beauty Shop is the exact same movie. Queen Latifah did a fine job, but the real standouts here were the supporting cast who include: Alicia Silverstone, doing a great southern accent, Kevin Bacon – playing a retarded hair dresser, and two surprises in Djimon Hounsou and Paige Hurd. Some of the laughs are pretty cheesy and obviously there strictly for the slapstick. While most of the other parts are quite natural. There are a few breakout moments like when the “white” girl finally gains acceptance and the daughter plays her piano solo. This is a fun movie and I recommend seeing it.

  • Radio interview and show

    Getting some radio play. Starting this weekend I’ll be getting airplay on Music Highway with Sheena Metal and WPMD’s UNsigned Music Show with Mike Stark Sheena will be playing the song Age from A Natural Leap Forward, Tee-m from WPMD hasn’t informed me as to which song he’ll be playing, but hey, tune in and request more.

    The Knitting Factory show was great! We had a great time and the response from the crowd was awesome. I’ve even got pictures and I’ll be checking out the video in the next few days. The new technology we’ve been so feverishly working on has come through with flying colors and it showed. The next step is to put all our stuff on the laptop and just play air guitar and lipsync (just kidding).

    If you’re on Rhapsody, my CD “A Natural Leap Forward” has finally made it onto their network. Long after it’s launch on iTunes. Do an artist a favor, go stream some songs from Rhapsody.

    It’s a killer day. I hope you have a killer weekend. Well, at least a really fun weekend. Go color an egg or eat some great food. It’s Easter and all.


  • Remixing

    WIN WIN WIN… That’s right you can win a signed copy of Delicate Stretch of the Seems. How do I do that is probably your next question. Well, just go to the clubhouse link above. If you’re a member, login and answer the question, you’ll be entered to win. If you’re not a member, you’re in luck, it’s free to become a member. Sign up, sign in, answer the question, then keep your fingers crossed.

    I’ve been in the studio remixing alternate mixes of A Natural Leap Forward, in my never ending quest to get the music ready for film, radio and tv. I’m also putting the thinking cap on as to which songs I’ll be performing on the 11th. I think I’ll do one cover song, just for shits and giggles. The Knitting Factory show should be a blast! This will be the bands first performance where we’ll be able to make those cool adjustments to the songs that i’ve been talking about recently.

    I’ll be posting another video clip from the Keyclub on Sunday. So keep your browser set to the clubhouse.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Be Cool. I really enjoyed Get Shorty a few years ago. So I have a feeling that I’d enjoy Be Cool. Instead of Chili Palmer being in the movie business, now he’s getting into the music business. As the movie started I thought it was a bit weak. It certainly doesn’t have the same strength in the story as Get Shorty did. John Travolta is certainly very much the same Chili that I remember, so he’s definitely carrying the movie. Despite the weakness of the story line, I enjoyed the gags of Vince Vaughn attempting to be a jewish black man. The Rock was extremely funny as a gay man. Cederic the Entertainer was ok as an educated Gangsta rapper, and André 3000 of Outkast was really funny as Cederic’s dopey cousin. While not on the same level as Get Shorty, Be Cool is certainly enjoyable.

    Have a great weekend!


  • March Madness

    March Madness is coming…

    To recap about England. My girlfriend Claire and I had a fantastic time. In fact if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have even gone. The sights, the sounds, and of course the smells, and food all combined to one of the major highlights of my life. I don’t know why a bunch of the English people I met thought I was Canadian though. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to Canada, and I even roomed with a Canadian while going to music school. I dig Canada, but I don’t think I even come close to qualifying as a Canadian. But I did find it funny and had a good laugh with it.

    While in England I started a new game that I call “Spot the iPod”. I couldn’t believe how many of the little white earbuds I saw, especially in London. In fact I thought it was so much fun that I’m creating a website called strangely enough I’ll be getting around to making a bare-bones version of it soon, but the domain is already working.

    Musically speaking, I’ve been getting more and more people interested in the music via Myspace. That’s been a plus. I’ve also been making little changes here at I’ve been posting new videos in the Clubhouse and planning a new monthly give-a-way in the Clubhouse. In fact the give-a-way concept starts today and the winner will be picked on the 31st of March.

    I’ve also been busy making alternate mixes of every song I’ve ever released. Breaking them up into instrumental pieces to license to radio, film, tv, and of course the new kid on the block – video games. So if you’re in any of those mediums, contact me and we’ll work out an agreeement.

    Lastly, my drummer Donny and I have worked out a way to be able to recreate the sound of the album live, yet be able to change the arrangements on the fly as needed. Thus we can speed up or slow down the drum loops, synth, piano and various background vocals and noises as needed at any given show. It’s an amazing concept and it brings a smile to my face. To the audience we’ll be able to deliver a live show that retains the feel of what I envisioned on the record without being confined to being on tape, it’s truly liberating. I know it will be that added little bonus that will leave audiences smiling.

    Enjoy the music!


  • Apple Store London

    Monday: In total geek-like fashion, I’m here in London seeing the sights. One of the first stops had to be Apple’s largest store in the world. The one right here in the Regent House. So I’m updating my news one more time while I’m here in England right from a 12″ iBook at the Apple. Told ya, true geek.

    Having a blast on my last day. I’ve driven, ridden a double decker bus, rode a train, and been in the Tube (the Underground). And not to forget an English horse. My movie should be: Plains, Trains, Automobiles, Subways, Buses, & Livestock. Of course I’d have to write the screenplay and the soundtrack.

    Have a great day.
