Category: News

  • NAMM came and went

    It’s been a crazy ass week. I feel like I’ve worked what little ass I have off. Well it’s not entirely gone; I did check a mirror and twisted around to make sure it wasn’t gone, there’s still a little left. I finished a new song for a music library. That song is called “Hate to Say Goodbye”. It was a curious lesson in providing music for sound libraries – at least as far as the mixes and the different lengths they require. Sorta makes me want to pile more work upon myself to go back and create additional mixes for all my old catalog, so that if anyone else comes knocking I have it already done. Its one of those things that make me go HMMM…

    Oh yeah, the band and I played the KeyClub in Hollywood last week. As I stated in the last post – we had a blast. It’s a damn good thing I video taped it. Over in the left hand menu you might notice a change to the Motion Pictures section. Why? Well, I thought those old videos had been around long enough. So I moved them all over to the Clubhouse and put up a single live 2 minute clip of “All The Things” from the upcoming “Practical Insanity”. I can’t wait until the album drops! You are free to watch this video clip over and over. It’s 2 minutes long and yes that’s what we sound like live without overdubs. (You might need to get Quicktime 6 to view it – but it’s free, follow the quicktime link if the video doesn’t play. It’s worth it).

    Doh, I almost forgot… It’s NAMM week this past week. Chris and I spent all day Friday cruising around checking out the new gear and catching up with some friends we don’t see very often. Like Deirdre Weaver – the inventor of the Sumadek, or Rob Hill – the mix-master of Queen in Surround and Korn, Dave Smith & Phil Jackson of Apple, my friends at Dean Markley, Bela @ Native Instruments, Kellie @ Seymour Duncan, Bob Borbonus @ Taylor… Oh the fun never ends at NAMM, Dale Titus, Jimmy & Rick from Groove Tubes, K-Jo – Kristy from Sennheiser. Heck I even ran into my old roommate from MI, Andrew Cassidy who now owns a fantastic guitar store up in Canada – The Guitar Connection. I even met Mile Kennedy from Rockstar – the movie, he was a pretty cool dude. I’m excited to be heading back to NAMM on the final day of Sunday for a special invite presentation by Apple. I am an Ubërgeek and being the tech nut that I am, I’m honored that I’d get the chance to see this presentation.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Blue Crush. I had never seen it, but I figured what the hell. Lots of skin, surfing and pretty people to look at. Actually the movie isn’t half bad. The surfing scenes actuallly feel quite realistic, but then I’ve never done more than body surf so what do I know. Kate Bosworth was fun to watch. The movie did drag in a few parts, but overall I enjoyed myself. It’s a good rental.


  • Rock the Key Club

    Hot damn! We had a great time the other night rockin’ out at the Key Club in Hollywood. I’m happy to say that the band was quite pleased with the performance. I shot video and so far it looks pretty darn good. Expect to see a 2 minute clip from a song or two in the very near future. I’ve already heard back from the KeyClub, everyone was happy with how everything turned out so we’ll be booking another show there soon. Maybe next time we’ll exchange the dancing bears for, uhmmm… opps I shouldn’t have let that cat out of the bag.

    In the meantime, I’m continuing to perfect the Clubhouse section. Some of you will notice, some of you won’t. However I’ll feel better for it, which will lead me to sleep better at night, subsequently play better at shows and cause some crazy cycle to start where I’ll end up a huge star.

    I’m currently whipping up a new song for a music licensing company, something along the lines of of my song “Never Say Goodbye”. Keep an ear out for it as it may show up in a TV show or a film later this year. I’ll certainly post some news when it gets placed. Heck I’ll probably also do a dance of joy just to scare all my friends.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Million Dollar Baby. I know I’m a little late on this one. However I did just see it yesterday. First thing is, if this movie doesn’t win an award for something then me-thinks there’s a major problem in the kingdom. MDB (as I’ll call it from here on out), is a fully engrossing movie story-wise. After the first two mintues I completely forgot about Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, and Hillary Swank as actors and got lost in their characters. I must say this is the coolest boxing movie since say something like Rocky. Absolutely rivoting, with powerful moments that caused me to even shed a tear (does that make me less of a man?!?). I will say it’s got some very depressing moments, but they are heavily outweighed by the moments of elation. Do yourself a favor – SEE THIS MOVIE! Do not wait for rental.

    More coming soon when my brain can handle it.


  • Cool Clubhouse

    Well, the consensus is that the clubhouse is a cool addition to the website. I want to thank everyone that has been sending me kind words about it. Just remember if you’re not on my e-mail list you can’t get in. But hey, it’s free to join. The best part is, there’s a special bonus for joining, but I’ll wait until you join to tell you what that is.

    Outside of that, we’ve chosen the setlist for the Keyclub show. It’s gonna rock, and the band is excited! Get your tickets now, before I decide that you can’t have one.

    Movie Pick of the Week: White Noise. Well, actually this is my non-pick of the week. I saw it last night, and was expecting it to be much cooler than it was. Instead, White Noise was a boring ride into an obsessive compulsive nut’s life. I actually thought before seeing this movie that Micheal Keaton was making a comeback. Unfortunately with this movie role it’s not really gonna do much. Though this movie wasn’t as bad as say, Darkness, it was certainly not worth spending money on. If I were you, wait for the rental.

    Stay Tuned…


  • New visitors

    I want to say “Hello” to all the new visitors to my website. It seems that the updated look has brought forth a bunch of new people browsing in. I’m quite happy with the response I’ve been getting from people about the Clubhouse section. I’d love to say something overly witty and sarcastic about it, but alas, the words escape me and it won’t actually happen.

    I will say that I’m currently listening to John Stewart’s America – Democracy Inaction. But this is a book you say, how can you possibly be listening to it. Well, some good natured people held a gun to John Stewart’s head and forced him to create an audiobook version. Then, somehow, Santa Claus figured I needed to be enlightened. Actually the audio is quite funny. It also makes you wonder how anything ever gets done in the country based upon all the corruption that seems to be built into the democratic process.

    If you’re new to me and my music, then congratulations for actually finding my little corner of the web. I certainly appreciate your time in browsing through what I’ve created. Don’t forget to sign up for the e-mail list and get your free mp3 just for doing so! Why would I want to sign up for Jody’s e-mai list? I’ll give you two reasons: Reason 1 – You LOVE the music so much that you want to know everywhere I’m playing and what I’m doing so you can stalk me. Reason 2 – You HATE the music so much that you want to make sure that you have my schedule so that you never ever run into me ever again.

    Have a great day!


  • New Year, New Look

    Welcome to 2005 and with it, the brand new look of my website.

    I’ll keep this short and sweet for today.

    Enjoy the new look, and the new features – Especially the Clubhouse (but you have to be registered on my e-mail list to get in). More to be added in the next week.


  • End of the Year

    Ah the end of the year has arrived. What a strange, twisted year it has been.

    • I started off under the prospect of being signed to a major label deal. Then about-faced it into uncharted territory.
    • I’ve become the first non-signed artist to be sold on digital download sites.
    • I’ve finished a new CD “Practical Insanity” that will drop sometime in early 2005.
    • I’ve assembled a great band that is pumped up to do a lot of playing in the new year and beyond.

    January 2005 is looking to be very interesting. If certain things I’ve set into motion over the last several months come to fruition, I predict that it will mark the year that great things will happen to the music industry. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck.

    To that end, I certainly wish you a fantastic New Year’s Eve and New Years! I’m going to be spending it with some great friends and someone special.

    Be sure to check out the site on New Years Day 2005.

    Movie Pick Of The Week: Garden State. Not exactly a brand new movie to end the year with, but it is one of the better, stranger, stronger movies I’ve seen this year. The movie is very well acted by Natalie Portman and Zach Braff. It made it’s DVD debut early this week. Do yourself a favor rent it, or better yet buy it. Then when you get finished, go do something completely original that has never been done before.


  • Christmas Collection

    Ah, Christmas has come and gone. Did you get everything that you wished for?

    I know I certainly got a few things I didn’t expect. Which ended up getting me things I certainly needed.

    To top it off I’m going to be starting an all inclusive Christmas inspired collection of music for 2005. I guarantee that it will be a very definitive collection.

    Looking forward to 2005.

    Don’t forget to check out Jan 1st. A nice surprise will occur.


  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas!!!

    I hope you all have a great holiday!

    If you haven’t downloaded a copy of my Holiday Song, It will come down after Christmas.


  • Pink Panther

    Rounding that final base, about to hit the holidays! I’ve been playing in the land of the ice and snow, yippee.

    Already spent some relaxing days playing in the snow, consuming some good food and seeing friends. Also been catching up on some old movies. One thing I do miss is seeing movies on TV – in case you didn’t know, I don’t own a TV, never have. Call me weird.

    If you haven’t downloaded a copy of my Holiday Song, you’ve only got a few days left. It will come down after Christmas.

    My movie pick of this week: The Pink Panther. This classic is still funny. Peter Sellers is a comedic genius and this movie certainly helps showcase that talent. I’m hearing through the movie grapevine that Hollywood is now making a movie about the esteemed comedian. Though the actor set to play Peter Sellers escapes me at the moment. And to re-iterate the pick from last week – if you haven’t seen the Aviator yet, GO!

    Happy Holidays!


  • Snow and Ski

    Coming into the third base of December. I’ve been making a bunch of adjustments to the new version of the website. The surprise is coming January 1st.

    I’m about to take off to the land of the ice and snow for the holidays. I need a massive break from the city of angels. Of course I’ll be enjoying some time with the extended family, putting on some skis and getting into some extreme skiing. That’s right, I’m a snow freak in case you didn’t know. Keep the fingers crossed and in next years Warren Miller movie I could have a song and maybe I’ll even get a chance to be immortalized on film for skiing. You never know – of course I can dream.

    If you haven’t downloaded a copy of my Holiday Song, you should. Besides I’ve been getting e-mails from people saying how good they think it is! Can’t beat that.

    Here’s my movie pick for this week: The Aviator. I got to see this last night. Absolutely rivoting. I had heard of Howard Huges before, but didn’t really know much of anything about him. I’m sure much of this is glamorized for the sake of putting him up on the big screen, but what an engrossing tale. Leonardo DeCaprio does a great job. I’ve never really been a fan of his, but wow – I think there’s gonna be a good race for the Oscar this year. The special effects are amazing and at points you wonder how the hell they could make some of the camera moves they make. It’s a long movie, but I could have sat there for at least another hour.

