Category: News

  • CD Sites

    Ok, I’m knee deep in the heat and the offer for Initial Spank is still going strong, thanks to everyone that has purchased it so far.

    In other news… I have now got individual websites for each one of my CD’s. It gives a bit more of an involved look at each CD and what went into recording it and the writing of the lyrics. Check ’em out: Initial Spankis this considered nakedE.A.R.Delicate Stretch of the Seems.

    Ah yeah. Already getting a great repsonse and have only been up for less than a day. Browse through ’em and get your own copy of each CD. Thanks for stopping by.

    If you’re in LA come out thursday night for the show at Club Lingerie. I’ll be unveiling two new songs that you’ve never heard before.

  • Initial Spank Offer

    The Summer Heat is going straight to my brain, as of right now until August 31st if you buy “Initial Spank” from the CDbaby link I want an Initial Spank or off the music page. I will send you rebate of $5 for every copy you buy. Heck go tell all your friends. How cool is it to purchase a CD and get $5 back from the Artist personally.

    You’d better hurry though or I may come to my senses and stop the offer before the end of the month. Don’t worry, I’ll know if you buy the CD cause CDbaby is soooooo good about customer service. We’ll both be happy. Plus you’ll get some snappy tunes to turn up loud in your car!

    I forgot to mention that every copy comes with my personal autograph ball-point penned right on it.

  • Great News

    What a great morning it is today!!!

    Last night at 5 p.m. I received what is probably one of the best emails in my life. I had a nice letter of Termination from the Orchard. I have officially been freed of this mess and now retain full control of where the Album by my old band Amalgam will be sold.

    Now when I woke up, my first item for the day was going to be faxing another request to BuyMusic to be removed. To my surprise and glee I was already removed and I no longer needed to make the request. So I sent their lawyer a nice thank you. But ya know, I’ll say it here too. I’d like to personally thank the Orchard for releasing me from the contract. I’d also like to thank BuyMusic for promptly pulling the music in question until it can be brought to them properly.

    For everyone who has just read the initial story about this on some random website, I apologize for the quick resolution and that the controversy has ended as quickly as it started. But what the hell, you’re already here, why not poke around and checkout some of the music. I’ll bet you’ll either love it or hate it, either way enjoy and I suggest you sign up for my email list. You never know when I’m gonna open a pandora’s box again.