Category: News

  • Calm Before The Crowdfunding Storm

    Calm Before The Crowdfunding Storm

    Calm Before

    It’s 7:32 p.m. and I’m sitting here on a Saturday night about to head out with some friends for a long time friend’s birthday party. There’s been a little thunder, lightening, rain, and even some hail. Yes, even some hail. Yet, I’m feeling a little peace as there’s about to be a whirlwind of a storm with my PledgeMusic campaign starting on July 10th. Oh the irony, I’m experiencing a calm before the crowdfunding storm and it’s storming outside for real. Somebody pinch me.

    A few minutes ago I read the article that was released on the 5th from the Park Record (read the article). I was interviewed about the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. I’m duly impressed. It’s a really good article. Explains the situation extremely well and even makes the vibe a bit compelling. Major thanks to Scott Iwasaki for grabbing a bit to eat at Chubasco’s and doing a nice low pressure interview over some mexican food. What a process it took for me to get to this point. And yet, there might be another twist in the wind due to a chance encounter on the 4th of July.

    Calm Before The Storm

    Getting Ready

    In the past week, I’ve shot a video, written two songs for outside projects, and been prepping even more of this coming adventure with my crew. Come Wednesday I have the feeling lots of things are going to change and I want to make sure that I’m giving my full and undivided attention to the process. Which will mean even more video, who knows, it might become  a daily process. All the more reason that the last two months of prep are now winding down and I get a few moments of calm before it all hits.

    I know come Monday there will be a bit more prep work as the final touches are done up on my PledgeMusic page. The last bits of research and adjustments will get ironed out and then boom – it will start. Stayed tuned because the link to PledgeMusic will be coming shortly and I’ll be calling upon you to help spread the word and donate to the cause. We all need help and I need yours. Thus I’ll have a few extra breaths and a beer or two to celebrate a birthday and the campaign. Enjoy the calm before the impending crowdfunding storm.

  • Mixing It Up And Down

    Mixing It Up And Down

    The light at the end of the tunnel on a recent project is opening wide. A project I’ve been doing for John Michael Kane has been completed today. I’ve been mixing it up and down with a large selection of songs for John and now it’s over.

    The beauty is, a lot this music will be getting heard relatively soon on sports programs and other things TV related. John is part of a library that gets his songs licensed on TV. It’s a beautiful thing.

    In front of the last mix for John Michael Kane.

    This particular song is called “Won’t Stand Down”. Seems like I went alphabetical in the song order or I could been saving the best for last. Either way, I’m happy, he’s happy. We’re all happy with the end result. May the music grace your ears before too long.

    — Jody

  • Music in TV shows

    Music in TV shows

    While you’re wondering the time frame on the next CD, I’ve got a little fun music news. Tracks I have written are now music on TV. I can hear you in your head right now asking, hey Jody, where on TV can I hear this music you speak of. Look no further, read down this post and you’ll find out where music has been playing.

    NASCAR on FOX – The Daytona 500 Qualifier
    NASCAR on FOX – Subway Fresh Pit
    NFL on FOX – Various games
    Design Squad Nation – Various episodes
    30 Clubs in 30 Days – Various episodes
    Angels Live ’12 – Multiple episodes
    Antonio Treatment – Various episodes
    Auction Hunters – Various episodes
    Bang For Your Buck – Various episodes
    Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim ’12 – Multiple episodes
    Red Wings Live ’12
    Tigers Live ’12
    Top 10 Right Now – Multiple episodes
    WWE Raw – Multiple episodes

    Internationally, I’m being heard in Canada, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK. That’s via Radio and TV. Spread the word and let your friends know it’s out there.

    Thanks for tuning in. If you’re not on my email list, join up and keep informed about future developments.

    — Jody