• Functional experience

    Happy New Year

    2007 has finally been rung in. Woo Hoo, I hope your Christmas, Hanukka, Kwanza, etc, all went well. Did you have a great New Years too? I was so excited I launched a new website, which you’re seeing right now. I’ve still got one more thing left to finalize on it in terms of the multi-media experience but the rest of it is fully functional.

    I’ve put a direct way to log right into the Clubhouse right from the home page. Look towards the right of where you’re reading now and you’ll see the login area with the knock knock button. Once you’ve entered your name and e-mail and use the secret knock knock, you’ll be wisked into the Clubhouse where you can submit for the monthly contest, as well as see and hear more of me.

    The Christmas CD has been getting some fantastic feedback. At this point though, it will be put on the shelf and await it’s next promotional push in June/July for licensing and store purchases.

    Still in talks with investors and Maurice Starr. Maurice has a few more meetings in the works with management and other people as well. So it’s an optimistic start to the year.

    I’ve started sifting through roughly 23 song ideas for the next CD. Getting them organized, thinking about the title, the direction, the feel, etc.

    The Single of the Day blog is growing every month I’m starting to average over 300 readers a day, not bad for no advertising yet. At the rate its going it will climb to a few thousand in a couple more months. So as of January 1st, meaning now, you can read it directly here on my official website. I figure it’s the least I can do for you since you’re showing me support.

    Stay tuned as more good things are on the way.

  • Meeting Maurice

    Cruising into December…

    Things have been going well on the musical front. In case you missed it, I had a great showing at the JPF Awards. Took down best music video for 2006. Woo Hoo.

    Moving along with Maurice Starr. I flew out to Florida a few weeks ago and spent several days there. We met with a couple of investors. Played them the music and also showed them the video. It didn’t hurt that I was armed with a fresh win for the video. Maurice also introduced me to Louis Perlman while I was there. We hung out at his place of business to chat about the music and the video as well. He liked what he heard. We’ll see what happens.

    In the meantime, Maurice has been setting me up with meetings here in Los Angeles. There’s also been several phone calls to CAA and Octone, working on going for the opening slot on Maroon 5’s next tour – keep some good thoughts going for me on that. Someone is going to come around soon. I can feel it.

    The Christmas project is nearing completion. In fact one song, Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer has already been finalized and mastered. I’ve shipped it off to Dr. Demento as per a suggestion from my buddy Grant of Throwing Toasters. We’ll see what happens there.

    I finished the artwork from my dad yesterday. Chris is finalizing the last of the mixes tomorrow. Then it’s off the mastering house. Early next week it goes off to iTunes and should hopefully be available for your holiday pleasure this year.

    Stay tuned and keep an ear out for me.

  • Best video of the year

    And the winner is: Best Music Video for 2006 from the Just Plain Folks Awards!!!

    That’s right Falling In has been named Best Music Video in the largest music awards in the world. I also received 2nd place for Tracking Motion in Best Rock Instrumental. I also received 3rd place for Best Children’s Storytelling Album for the music I write for The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd.

    Practical Insanity was nominated for Best Rock Album and Falling In was nominated for Best College Rock Song (I lost to Vertical Horizon – so I can’t complain, I love their music), but it ended there. But hey Best Music Video, I can’t believe how amazing that was to finally receive a win for my music.

    In other news. I’m on a plane on Wednesday to Florida to go meet with Maurice Starr and potential investors. Armed with the JPF showing, I think I’m definitely going to have a great shot at picking up that investment money. Why not? I mean out of 25,500 plus CD’s and 350,000 songs and I got 5 nominations, two placements, and a win. That’s impressive!

    All the while the Christmas project is getting mixed. I should hope to have it done by the end of the month.

    Stay tuned for more news…