• Music awards

    And the award nominations for 2006 continue to roll in…

    This morning I’ve received word that I am nominated for four (4) awards in this years Just Plain Folks awards (JPF). So the things I’m up for awards are:

    Best College Rock Song: Falling In
    Best Rock Instrumental: Tracking Motion
    Best Rock Album: Practical Insanity
    Best Short Music Video: Falling In
    *** news update: Childrens Storytelling Album: The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

    This is a pretty cool thing to me. Why? Because it’s THE largest music awards in the world. It’s larger than the Grammys – the only thing is, you’ve never heard of it until now. That’s right, there are music awards out there that have way more entrants than the exclusive club of the Grammys, et al. This year’s JPF awards had over 25,000 CD’s entered which is somewhere in the neighborhood of over 350,000 songs. To even get a nomination out of that much music means you must be doing something good.

    I know I face some stiff competition in all the categories against artists like Vertical Horizon and others. Keep your fingers crossed that I end up holding a JPF award at the ceremony. I’ve been nominated in several of the past ones, but it would be fantastic to finally get a win. So far my best placing has been third.

    *** News Update: I was informed by the good people doing Dr. Floyd that I’ve gotten a 5th nomination in the JPF Awards for doing the music of their Podcast which is nominated.

  • Video nomination

    Update to the California Independent Film Festival – I’ve been informed that Falling In has now been nominated for Best Music Video award at the 2006 California Independent Film Festival. This is pretty cool if you ask me. I’m sure Byron Turk is happy too.

    I’ve got about 18 songs vocally recorded for my parts on the Christmas Project. I should hopefully get all my vocals finished next week. I’ve also been fortunate enough to meet Dannielle Gaha. She’s an amazing vocalist from the land down under aka Australia. She’s come on board the Christmas project to lend her vocal talents and it’s already adding an amazing dimension to the tracks we got completed.

    Material Girls and the song “Live Like I’m Rich” has been getting me a little attention over on myspace. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many friend requests from the demographic that follows Hillary Duff. I ain’t complaining, I think it’s cool.

    I also just did a mix for a movie called Prozak. It’s an interesting short film shot on a digital still camera with short bursts that emulate video. They’re going for an Oscar, so we’ll see how that goes.

  • Video in film festival

    Byron Turk, the director of the ‘Falling In’ video, has informed me that the video will be screened at the 2006 California Independent Film Festival later this year. How cool is that?!?

    Recording for the vocals on the huge Christmas project has commenced. There are 3 songs that are finished and ready for mixing. That’s 1/10th, which leaves 27 to go.

    More recording with Devin Bronson later this week.

    “Live Like I’m Rich,” the song I was hired to sing in the Material Girls movie staring Hillary and Haylie Duff has been seen and heard. I actually got phone calls about it opening day last friday. I also decided to trek down to the local movieplex and check it out. Obviously the movie isn’t gear toward me as a demographic, but it is a heartwarming little story. I believe the song is about 1/3 the way in. It was right after they burnt their house down on accident. I watched for my name in the credits and was able to snap a quick shot of the screen with my cell phone. However, I’ve been graced by a friend who was able to get an actual slide of my name on the screen. Woo Hoo. I’ll be blowing that up and putting it on the studio wall.