• New blog

    Whew, made it through some sweltering heat here in the past few weeks. It’s finally cooling off a bit and so my sanity is returning. I’m so glad President Bush really feels strongly that Global Warming isn’t true.

    Vocal recording has begun for the entire Christmas project. I’m about 1/6th of the way into that step as of this morning. I’ll likely be 1/3 of the way through that part by this afternoon. It’s been interesting to finally put some references down after all this time. As surprise song to me so far has been Jolly Old St. Nicholas.

    My last outing with the band and The Big Orange Crush Bus was nothing short of an amazing adventure. Everyone that has heard the story has told me they can’t believe it. Want to relive the adventure?

    Single of the Day has been getting off to a very good start. Response has been amazing and I’m starting to get the hang of blogging.

    The movie Material Girls with Hillary Duff has begun to be advertised in trailers. I don’t think they’re using the song in the trailer.

    I’m off to go work on more of the Christmas thang. Have a great day!

  • Christmas in July

    It’s Christmas in July. Yes, I swear it’s true. Admist the sweltering heat in Los Angeles, I’ve been running the A/C whilst I attempting to think of Toys and Sugarplumbs (What exactly are Sugarplumbs anyway?). I am all of four songs away from sending the music to be mixed and mastered. What a long trip it has been attempting to put this together. I plan on releasing it digitally for this holiday season. I’m unsure about physical copies for this year, but definitely for next year.

    In other news… I’ve been picked up by Neon Entertainment for the College/University markets. While the representation isn’t set in contracted stone, it’s well on it’s way to being done. I’m excited by that. I’m already putting some stuff together for them.

    In the non-music arena I’ve been making some updates to the website. Most of you won’t notice the change because you have browsers new enough to deal with them. Some of you will notice the change in the pictures in that they’ll have blue boxes and strange backgrounds to them (isn’t it time to update to at least I.E. 6 now that 7 is coming out). Essentially I’ve switched the site to CSS and started using PNG picture formats. The pictures when viewed in more modern browsers will look more vibrant. The layout still looks the same but takes way less code and is easier to change in the future. A good thing since I’m working on a new layout that should be a bit more visual than the current version. Don’t expect it in the short run as the Christmas project is currently top priority.

    Other non-music news… I won my first poker tournament last night at the Pachanga Casino. It’s taken a little over a year, but this weekend has brought me a couple of smiles. I finished 5th at Hollywood Park as well. Two tournaments and two final tables, one 5th out of about 175, and the other 1st out of about 250. I’m feeling a change in the wind and it all started with Neon Entertainment calling me up.

  • Voice the song

    It’s official!

    The song “Live Like I’m Rich” is slated to be in the movie “Material Girls” starring Hillary Duff. It will be coming out in August of 2006 from what I’m told. So if you’re a Hillary Duff fan and happen to hear my voice during a sequence in the movie where she’s riding a bus. Then you’re not hallucinating, it is my voice.

    I’m still working away on the Christmas project. I’m done with the first two CD’s worth of music and only have 7 more original songs to go. Then it will be mix and master time. I’m hoping to have it ready for digital release for this year’s holiday season. I should be able to pull it off.

    I’ve broken the 7,000 mark on Myspace. Still shooting to surpass 9,000 before the end of July. In fact, now I’m considering upping the goal to 10,000. Help a musician out, spread the word.

    I’ve also started a blog: “Single of the Day” where I plan on showcasing a song a day (no they’re not all gonna be mine) that I really like to the rest of the world. Stop on by, check out the site, the songs, and subscribe to the RSS feed.

    Superman came out today, I saw it in IMAX. Wow what a ride. I say it’s fun to watch and quite good. It really didn’t seem to be 2.5 hours long.

    Have a great day.
