April showers will bring May flowers, or so the saying goes.
I’ve got some very cool news today. Practical Insanity has been picked up for distribution! That’s right, I’m currently going through the paperwork with a very reputable distribution company out of Portland Oregon called Burnside. This is exciting news and I’m feverishly working on putting the rest of the puzzle together in order to get the tour and the radio, along with the video to all coincide. Before too long you’ll be able to walk into a favorite store and see my little mug sitting on a shelf waiting for you to take me home.
‘The Big Orange Crush’ is undergoing it’s surgical restoration. I can’t wait to get her back and see how updated she’s gonna become. Ten more days.
In an unfortunate situation, the video shoot for Closer To Ourselves has been postponed for several weeks. Byron, the director has been called out of town last minute for a big event. So we’ll do it in a few weeks. Gives the band more time to work on the different speeds of the arrangement that Byron is calling for.
Ever heard of “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers? It’s a fantastic song and in the midst of all the other stuff I’ve been working on, I’ve whipped a version the classic song. I’m putting the finishing touches on it and in a few weeks, I’ll be releasing it as a digital single on iTunes and other download networks. It’s a great song and I think I’ve come up with a cool arrangement of it. I’m also working on the licenses for a cover I did a few years back called “Cruel To Be Kind” by Nick Lowe. Still talking with the co-writers publisher on that one, but expect to see it on iTunes as well.
I realize this is getting long but, in light of the distribution… I really need to find an investor. I’ve talked about it before, but it’s becoming even more crucial now. I have written a business plan/proposal and I’m now seeking people that have venture capital interests. If you are, or have a friend who is, interested in investing in a musician and riding the coat-tails to glory then I’m just the musician you need to invest in. I’ve got a kick ass CD, I’ve got the first of several kick ass videos for the CD, I’ve got a great band, I’ve got a tour bus that I already own (that runs on used veggie oil), I’ve even GOT THE DISTRIBUTION to get it into stores. But I need you the savvy investor to help share that goal.
Wanna see the business plan summary online?
Help a great musician out. Pass this on to any friend with the connections.
p.s. – now that you’ve read this: If you DON’T pass this along to at least 25 friends who have money to invest with in the next hour, you will stub the big toe on your right foot tomorrow morning. That will lead you to hobble around as it swells to the size of a golf ball. Because it will get so big you will trip and fall in front of the person that you’ve been fantasizing about all your life and that will make them never want to sleep with you. If you DO pass this along to any of them within the hour, you will suddenly find yourself backstage at any show of mine you wish to go to. You will be given the royal treatment. Rose petals will be your path whereever you walk. You will find peace, love, and good happiness in your life. In fact you’d be revered as a God for helping to make so many souls happy with the music you helped to spread.
p.p.s. – now that you’ve read that: If you DON’T have any friends with money, then you have to either buy my CD from the purchase CD link on my music page (through CD Baby) or click on one of the iTunes links and purchase at least two songs. If you do that in the next 15 minutes, you’ll start becoming extremely sexy to members of the opposite sex, and all the people you’ve ever been attracted to as well. In fact you’ll get so sexy that you’ll need to get a personal assistant to deal will all the love and attention you’ll get from buying my music. If you wait more than 15 minutes to buy it, then you’ll just get a thank you from me and your life will go on, but a little less fulfilled.
p.p.p.s – wouldn’t you rather be sexy? On second thought, wouldn’t you rather know people with money?