Are you an avid listener of Frosty, Heidi and Frank? Based out of Los Angeles they are LA’s number one rated noon show. They do a segment on fridays known as Should I Stay or Should I Go? Well, a while back I was on and did very well and even got high marks and praise from the triplets themselves. You’ll actually see some of the quotes pop up on the left side of the screen there under “things you say”. Well a few weeks ago on the show Frank had mentioned that they didn’t have a theme song. I figured what the hell, I’ll write one. I whipped this up in a few hours and sent a copy to the show and never heard from them. So at this point, I’m just going to call it the un-official Frosty Heidi and Frank theme song. Here’s the links: Full Version, Short Version.
Maybe if enough of the fans of the show decide that they like and ‘complain’ to them, they might take notice. Who knows. For now I’ll leave it up to you, the fans of Frosty, Heidi and Frank to decide if its a good theme song for them. Send me a comment about it when you’ve heard it.