• NAMM and Apple

    What’s up this week? NAMM.

    I will be cruising around the NAMM event on Thursday and Friday. There is the outside possibility that I’ll go on Saturday but I’m not sure. I’ve been told that I’ll be able to do a little presentation about using Logic Pro for Apple in conjunction with Taylor Guitars. If you happen to be at NAMM maybe you’ll catch it.

    I’m also awaiting word on whether I’ll be attending the Sundance Film Festival. I’ve been asked to help Bird York do some performances at Sundance. She wrote the theme song to the movie Crash from last year. I’m excited to do it, so keep your fingers crossed that it goes through. Bird is also an accomplished actor and you’ve probably seen her in several films and on TV.

    Did you see Love Monkey, the new TV show on CBS? If not, I’ve heard it’s good. But there’s another reason to spend some time watching it. My Practical Insanity poster may actually be hanging on the wall of the office of the set they film. I don’t own a TV so I’ll have to rely on friends and fans to let me know if they see it hanging there. But that’s pretty cool eh?

    In the meantime, I start the process of re-flooring “Claire” the bus today. That will be the last of the cosmetic things for the bus for a while. Otherwise, I’ll be digging into the engine thermostats and making sure they’re working before the next tour leg.

  • Looking at 2006

    Happy New Year 2006!

    Just a quick recap on 2005 as I head into 2006. Obviously some good things happened this year.

    • First and foremost the band and I played some great gigs
    • Practical Insanity was released and is already selling
    • Practical Insanity was released on iTunes and is selling well
    • Streaming of older material on services like Rhapsody and Yahoomusic
    • I purchased a tour bus, recently named “Claire”
    • The second video for Practical Insanity was shot – Falling In
    • T-Shirts for Practical Insanity were printed and are already selling
    • Practical Insanity Posters becoming a big hit at shows and conferences
    • Nominated for Best Band of the Year going into 2006 (I find out in March of 2006)

    Obviously the music seems to be grabbing hold of people. I saw a rough near final edit of the Falling In video yesterday and I’m excited to see the final version in the next day or two – Byron Turk has done a phenomenal job with it. It will be getting shipped off to The Fuse in early January so keep the fingers crossed that it gets a really great response.

    In all 2005 was a very good year. I’m really looking forward to 2006 and working my ass off with the band to blow up on the national scene.

  • Christmas preview

    Thank you for stopping by during your busy holiday season.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    If you’d like a sneak preview of my Christmas CD coming for the holidays in 2006, then click here for a listen to We’d Like To Wish You. Enjoy your holiday time and see you next year.