• Band of the Year

    Holy Cow!!!

    I just received a phone call from the staff at APCA. Apparently I/we the band have been nominated for Band of the Year for APCA! This is amazing. I didn’t even know they had awards for this organization. This is a total surprise and completely out of the blue. Needless to say I think its extremely cool that the students, faculty and staff really loved us that much to even consider us for such an award.

    We’ll find out in March at the National Conference if we’ll win or not, but hey it’s a great feeling!

  • Ringtones are in!

    This just in, hot off the press…

    Jody Whitesides songs are now available as polyphonic ringtones for your cell phone! Go to 3G Upload.com to get them. Go get ’em!

  • MTV music use

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

    We’ve been invited to play the APCA National Convention in March. I think I can say the whole band is very excited by the news. We’re lining up some dates to be playing in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and Lousianna on our way to Georgia.

    I’ve been contacted by an MTV show, so keep an ear out as you may hear some of my songs on one of their popular shows.

    I’ll be getting the bus outfitted with an additional fuel source – used veggie oil. That’s right, we want to be environmentally friendly (as much as possible) with the bus. So if you smell french fries or tempura, we may have just driven by.

    This also just in: Not only will you love seeing us at a live show, you may very well find your next Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Soul-mate as well. It seems two people in Houston who came out to see us play have since started dating all because they came to see us play!

    Wanna win a Practical Insanity t-shirt? Get yourself over to the Clubhouse and login.

    Have a great Holiday Season and see you on the road next year!