This just in, I own an Eagle Model 05 Tour Bus! I’m currently on the road with it from Seattle. I’m in Park City, working on getting it transferred over to me now that I’ve purchased it. I will post pictures and video soon. Probably once I get back to LA and can wrap my head around the situation.
In the meantime it looks as though the first shows for Practical Insanity will be in Texas then we’ll likely be heading to Northern California. There’s the possibility that I could be opening for Collective Soul in December. But its not in stone yet. I’ll make sure to post here when additional dates come up.
Until then, Josh (the drummer) and I are tooling around in the bus to get it back to LA where we’ll clean it up and make it ready for the road.
I have a winner for the October contest, but I’m currently unable to update the page for a few days so bear with me until I can post that in the Clubhouse and get November’s contest up.
Hope you had a great Halloween, the Movie Pick of the Week: Saw II. If you missed Saw last year, you missed one of the best squirm movies ever. Well, Saw II has essentially started a tradition and its pretty much the same type of formula but it’s equally fun to watch. There’s some cool twists and rather than give anything away for the movie I’ll say “Go See It”.