• ePostcards

    Good Monday Morning to ya!

    It’s going to be an awesome week. But before I get to much news. I have to tell you that I’ve found a way for you to help spread the word about my music. I call it an MP3 ePostcard. You might be asking yourself, what the hell is that?!? Well, it’s a nifty little eCard like you’d get from Hallmark.com only different. Check out my new ePostcards and see what I mean. Have fun spreading the word. Oh, and the best part is, it’s totally free – can’t beat that!

    Now, I got wind from the Music Connection Magazine that I’ll be getting a review later this week, booyah! The show in Hermosa is going to kick major ass. And to top it all off: STAR WARS III coming in mere days!

    Have a great day!


  • Crash

    Ok, someone shoot me. I was down promoting for my next show in Hermosa Beach and I swung by a friend’s house. I got suckered into watching a little bit of American Idol. I guess I fail to see the appeal. But I did end up liking one of the performances. I had been hearing how mean the judges supposedly were, but I was shocked by how complimentary they were. Then finally Simon said something right on the money about one of the performances – which could be construed as mean, but it was truthful.

    I got a phone call from Music Connection Magazine. I’ll be getting a review of some songs from Practical Insanity in the next issue. I’ll be sure to post about it here next week.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Crash. Do yourself a major favor, SEE THIS MOVIE! Beside the all-star type cast, I don’t want to say much other than it is a must see. But be warned, it will test your tolerance.

  • American Idol?

    Did everyone have a good mother’s day? Actually, did your mom have a good mother’s day? I know I sent my mom a card, did you send one to your’s? Better yet, did you get to spend time with her? My mom is actually out of the country in Turkey so I was unable to speak with her. :: sigh :: Mom’s. Gotta love ’em.

    Getting excited about the show coming up on the 20th. We’re really gonna be in top notch form!

    Oh, I almost forgot all this talk going on about the American Idol. What’s his name? Oh yeah, Correy Clark. Gotta love T.V. Here’s a cat who’s had a few minutes of fame, then gets his record finished and figures out that he now needs publicity to make it sell. Personally I don’t think he chose to the correct path to getting that publicity, but hey as I’ve written it in a song “Good news, Bad news, it’s all fake news… I’ll need lot’s of, Publicity!” From the E.A.R. CD. Well, he’s certainly getting it now, but it’s not centered on his music. Instead its centered on Paula. Great for her, maybe great for him. But certainly not likely good for his career. The Kiss and Tell thing usually happens after you’re famous. Anyway, if you’re a listener of Frosty, Heidi and Frank in Los Angeles, then you likely heard me on Thursday when I called in to the show and asked Heidi if she’d do a scandal like that for their “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” segment. She played along and we got a good little laugh out of it. It didn’t hurt that they remembered who I was. If fact, if anyone actually taped that portion of the show, please send me an MP3 of it. I was actually on the road out of town when that happened.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Kingdom of Heaven. At first I figured how bad could it be for a knights in armour type of movie. Well, I suppose I could have done more research on it before seeing it. I didn’t realize it was all about religion. Once you get around the religious beating over the head and just watch it for the adventure, then it’s pretty cool. Though it is a bit long and drawn out. However, I imagine battles like that would be. I actually liked Orlando Bloom. I think he’s coming into his own as a leading actor and did a great job. I also liked how the King was uncredited and actually played by Edward Norton (or maybe it was just his voice). Either way, if you can stand knights and battles and some head trippy religious spouting, then you’ll be able to love this movie. Otherwise, it’s an ok way to fritter and waste of couple of hours without feeling bad about the money.