• Studio edits

    Ah a fresh Sunday morning, being that it’s May 1st, that means a new Contest for this month in the Clubhouse.

    To recap on my abscence of updates in the past couple of weeks. I’ve been holed up in the studio finishing the edits on the old catalog of songs for licensing. I was contacted by a music licencing company, so I wanted to get it as close to finished as I could before I sent them anything. I’ve also been contacted by some Podcasters as well.

    I had a quickie of a writing session with a friend of mine, Jody Gnant. She flew in for a few hours so that we could write a song possibly for her next album. Her style is Bohemian Geek Soul music if I’m not mistaken, and it just so happened that I had a really cool little chord progression in a feel that seemed to fit it quite well. We also discussed the concepts in my business plan and finding an investor- she’s got a great mind for bouncing ideas off of. She gave me some great ideas for getting the story of it out too the press, which I’m already putting into place. Remember, if you know of an investor, send them to the link above.

    The band and I are working on the tunes for the show coming up in May. We’re adding a few covers by Green Day, Prince, The Rolling Stones, and T. Rex. It’s cool because we’ll have a very strong 3 hour show. And by the time we book the House of Blues in Vegas we’ll have a 4 hour show. Man, I almost feel like Rush or U2 or something, by having that much original material. We’re also working on booking more shows and I’m starting to put the feelers out for a booking agent. We’re already looking in to Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, etc… scouting the west for the next couple of months. Stay tuned for more shows.

    Movie Pick of the Week: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m a big fan of the books. Yes, in case you didn’t know the movie is now here. When I saw the first trailer I was super excited to see this movie. It took a little getting used to how they portrayed the story in the movie. It was much faster paced than I expected. In reality though, it was spotty. The story had holes all over the place, and if you didn’t know the books, yes that’s books plural, you’d be lost. I think they scraped to many different parts of the books together. They also changed some things that would have been more funny had they kept them the same as the book. Despite the shortcomings of the supporting cast, and the story holes, Hitchhikers does have some really good laugh out loud stuff to it. Provided you enjoy british humor.

  • Searching for investors

    Yup, you heard it last night. I was one of the featured artists on KLOS 95.5 and their Local Licks show. I was played alongside Kat Parsons and All American Tragedy. It was a cool little feature and I’m happy I got picked to be played. If you’re stopping by because you heard the show last night, welcome! Poke around and have fun. I’d like to thank KLOS and Terry Gladstone for picking me for the show. I really appreciate it.

    In other news, I’m finally coming out of the bag with the fact that I’m searching for investors. That’s right, I’m looking for an angel to come my way and provide some serious backing. Hell Jody, I know tons of investors, how do I tell them about you? Great question. In fact, I’m happy you asked. I have created a special little business plan summary on my website where you can send all of your investor friends who love music and want to ride some coattails to glory. Whose coattails would be better than mine? Wouldn’t you like to go down in history as the person that helped break the first non-signed artist on iTunes to the world? Just think you could have your name in the credits of Practical Insanity. Oh, damn, I almost forgot the link: Jody Whitesides’ Business Plan. All I ask is that you take the time to help. I do have full color printed versions that I will gladly send to any investor.

    I figured I’d repost the movie pick since I barely got it up yesterday.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Sin City. If you haven’t already seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see one of the most cinematic achievements in film. The style on this is the selling point. Don’t go for the story – the story is difficult to follow and in some cases doesn’t even make any sense. But visually this movie is insanely cool. There is an all star cast that seems to work quite well in terms of interaction between characters. One other word of caution, it has great comicbook violence and the movie feels very long.

  • KLOS radio

    Oh yeah, I got a phone call Friday afternoon saying that I would be getting played on KLOS this weekend. Tune in at 11 p.m. Sunday evening for the show and I’ll be on there. In case you can’t make it to the radio or miss it, I’ll be taping it and I’ll post it on the website in the Clubhouse for my members to check it out.

    In the mean time, I’ve finished all the backing track stuff that I’ve been talking about for the live show. Finally, finally, finally. What a load of work that was. I’ve also been called up to play guitar on the backing music for a new TV show coming up on the SciFi Channel. Its about launching Rockets with weird things attached to them, or something like that. Already laid down bass and guitar tracks for 4 clips. Will be doing more on Tuesday of next week.

    As far as getting the rest of my music ready for licensing, now that I’ve finished the backing tracks I can put my energies there and probably knock it out this week. Besides its more than 2/3 done.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Sin City. If you haven’t already seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see one of the most cinematic achievements in film. The style on this is the selling point. Don’t go for the story – the story is difficult to follow and in some cases doesn’t even make any sense. But visually this movie is insanely cool. There is an all star cast that seems to work quite well in terms of interaction between characters. One other word of caution, it has great comicbook violence and the movie feels very long.