In case you stopped by this morning and thought you read that I was no longer playing music…
April Fools.
Jody Whitesides
In case you stopped by this morning and thought you read that I was no longer playing music…
April Fools.
Site has been Been removed from service based on inactivity.
Coming around the final bend of March. There’s quite a few entries in the Contest from the Clubhouse. Good luck to everyone that has entered. I’ll announce the winner on April 1st. Along side that winner I’ll be posting the contest for April and you can enter all over again.
I’m also coming up on the final few songs that have been being converted to the new format for our live show. It’s a great feeling to finally nearing the finish line on that. Also along those lines, I’m nearly finished with the music bits for the licensing stuff I had mentioned before. I feel like when I get it done, I’ll be able to quit music and move on to another profession. Doh, I’m kidding – poor attempt at pre-April-fool’s humor.
The live show has really come together. The show at the Knitting Factory was highly impressive not only for the audience for us as a band as well. It feels like everything is finally in the right place and we’re going to start kicking some major musical ass. Now if I can just get that pesky film crew to stop following me around. Oh, wait, that’s me thinking like I’m famous already. Speaking of film crews… I’ve put it upon the director of the All The Things video to re-tweak it. I know you’ve not had a chance to see it yet, due time, due time. But I feel the song will be better suited if we manipulate the image and give it a different look. So it’s back to the computer editing and time to hit After Effects. So when we do release the CD/DVD you’ll get the initial version and the MTV version in the package. I swear it’ll be cool.
To further push the film thing, here’s my Movie Pick of the Week: Beauty Shop. Yes, I know you’re shaking your head. What the hell is a white boy from the big apple and Utah ‘burbs doing going to see that. Well, I have to tell you it was funny. I never did see Barber Shop, I didn’t get it then, but I do know. I imagine that Beauty Shop is the exact same movie. Queen Latifah did a fine job, but the real standouts here were the supporting cast who include: Alicia Silverstone, doing a great southern accent, Kevin Bacon – playing a retarded hair dresser, and two surprises in Djimon Hounsou and Paige Hurd. Some of the laughs are pretty cheesy and obviously there strictly for the slapstick. While most of the other parts are quite natural. There are a few breakout moments like when the “white” girl finally gains acceptance and the daughter plays her piano solo. This is a fun movie and I recommend seeing it.
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