• March Madness

    March Madness is coming…

    To recap about England. My girlfriend Claire and I had a fantastic time. In fact if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have even gone. The sights, the sounds, and of course the smells, and food all combined to one of the major highlights of my life. I don’t know why a bunch of the English people I met thought I was Canadian though. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to Canada, and I even roomed with a Canadian while going to music school. I dig Canada, but I don’t think I even come close to qualifying as a Canadian. But I did find it funny and had a good laugh with it.

    While in England I started a new game that I call “Spot the iPod”. I couldn’t believe how many of the little white earbuds I saw, especially in London. In fact I thought it was so much fun that I’m creating a website called strangely enough SpotTheiPod.com. I’ll be getting around to making a bare-bones version of it soon, but the domain is already working.

    Musically speaking, I’ve been getting more and more people interested in the music via Myspace. That’s been a plus. I’ve also been making little changes here at jdub.com. I’ve been posting new videos in the Clubhouse and planning a new monthly give-a-way in the Clubhouse. In fact the give-a-way concept starts today and the winner will be picked on the 31st of March.

    I’ve also been busy making alternate mixes of every song I’ve ever released. Breaking them up into instrumental pieces to license to radio, film, tv, and of course the new kid on the block – video games. So if you’re in any of those mediums, contact me and we’ll work out an agreeement.

    Lastly, my drummer Donny and I have worked out a way to be able to recreate the sound of the album live, yet be able to change the arrangements on the fly as needed. Thus we can speed up or slow down the drum loops, synth, piano and various background vocals and noises as needed at any given show. It’s an amazing concept and it brings a smile to my face. To the audience we’ll be able to deliver a live show that retains the feel of what I envisioned on the record without being confined to being on tape, it’s truly liberating. I know it will be that added little bonus that will leave audiences smiling.

    Enjoy the music!


  • Apple Store London

    Monday: In total geek-like fashion, I’m here in London seeing the sights. One of the first stops had to be Apple’s largest store in the world. The one right here in the Regent House. So I’m updating my news one more time while I’m here in England right from a 12″ iBook at the Apple. Told ya, true geek.

    Having a blast on my last day. I’ve driven, ridden a double decker bus, rode a train, and been in the Tube (the Underground). And not to forget an English horse. My movie should be: Plains, Trains, Automobiles, Subways, Buses, & Livestock. Of course I’d have to write the screenplay and the soundtrack.

    Have a great day.


  • Sunday Dinner

    Sunday, sunday, sunday…

    I always feel like I’m going to hear about the Bigfoot Monster Trucks and Hot Rod cars when I hear three sundays in a row. We were hosting a party here last night. Lots of music, laughter, chatter, alcohol and tons of smoke.

    Today we went out to ride a horse. This was my first experience of riding English style. Though similar to the American West Marlboro-Man style, it isn’t the same. The saddle is smaller and the stirrups are shaped different. We took turns moseying around the corral, then we set up the jump. Now I’ve ridden a whole lot of western style riding out on mountains and rural west type things, but never have I jumped over a man made obstacle on a horse, on purpose. So, they started it gentle by putting the bar on the ground, then slowly raising its height. Eventually they put it up to where the horse left the ground and I was hanging on to stay on the horse. Up in the air, and whompf, I landed where one foot came out of the stirrup and my hand got smushed by the saddle. It was fun. I think there is video of my adventure and if I get a copy of it, I’ll post it.

    Next up is a traditional English Sunday Dinner. Then its off to London to futz around a be a true tourist. I don’t think I’ll be around a computer so I’ll provide a wrap-up when I get back to the states. It’s been a great trip.
