• Hooked on Tea and Crumpets

    Now that I’ve been hooked on tea and crumpets, I’ve finally been fed a proper Fish and Chips dinner. Actually, I ordered Steak and Onion pie with Chips and had a piece of fish to go with it. It was quite good. Last night I was treated to a trip to a pub The Actress and the Bishop. We had a couple of pints and watched a band fronted by a guy who used to play in the days of Traffic. Brit-blues-pop is alive and well. One severe difference between Los Angeles and England bar wise is: people actually sit and appreciate the music instead of contantly talking. The second major difference is: smoke. People smoke like chimminey’s. That I don’t miss – I do appreciate that people can’t smoke in bars in LA.

    On the subject of music, I have the distinct feeling that here in the U.K. music is more important to people. Its more pervasive on the TV and with the people I’ve met, they seek out music, rather than waiting to have it fed to them. I actually dig that concept. Maybe I’ve just never noticed it in America. I guess I’ll find out when I get back.

    Today we’re heading to Wales. It should be a fun trip. Tomorrow I may be playing an open mic in Mosely, who knows.

    In the written word, I’ve started reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I’ll give my thoughts on it, when I finish the book.

    Have a great day!

  • England and books

    Alrighty, I’ve been in England for only a few hours and I’ve already had my first Crumpet and several cups of tea. It took me a few minutes to get used to seeing cars driving on the opposite side of the road. But now I’m cool with it and it seems quite normal. Maybe I’ll take a chance at driving. Though I think it would be odd to have the stick on the opposite hand to drive.

    In the meantime, I’ll be attempting to make some updates on my trip around the UK countryside.

    Book Review of the Moment: Under the Banner of Heaven. Talk about a serious look into the concept of polygamy and what people do to get around it’s illegality is amazing. This book is also an impromptu look into the history of the Mormon Church and how it gots its start. UTBOH is a real page turner. I couldn’t stop reading. I found it extremely strange to read about a faction of Mormon’s called Mormon Fundamentalism. Though the book sometimes feels a bit scattered in its composition, I really liked it. I understand the religious nature of people and that they often feel about religion the way they feel about music. People often can’t deal with opposing views from their own. Despite that, I would recommend reading this book. If nothing else, it’s an exciting story based on real events and facts.


  • Heading to England

    I’m heading to England! Woo Hoo. I’m excited, as I’ve never really been there before. Well, I was once there for two hours in Heathrow, but I don’t count that. Ten days baby.

    I’ve been fevorishly working on creating instrumental versions of all my songs for licensing to film, tv and radio. So I’m in the midst of all that. Also, my drummer Donny and I are working on making us one of the most advanced live “jam” bands ever. We’ve discovered a great way to make on the fly changes to the songs and yet still retain the capability to have that ‘just-like-the-record’ type feel. It’s awesome! The next full band show will certainly be cool.

    In other coolio type news… I’ve finally got my own signature picks! That’s right the same pick I normally play now has my signature on it. If you are interested in getting some for yourself, you can send me a S.A.S.E. (self addressed stamped envelope), and I’ll send you one back. If you want more than one then e-mail me about it first.

    Movie Pick of the Week: Hitch. Will Smith has done it again. He’s got himself another hit on his hands. Despite this being a cutesy romantic flick, it’s actually quite good. I think because it comes from how people actually act when they’re attempting to court the opposite sex. As much as everyone would like to have a coach to get the chance to meet someone, it really comes down to you and your own ability to be who you are. Despite the built in romantic comedy factor that’s geared towards women, I think men will get a kick out of it too. I recommend it.
