Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!
First off, new live video posted in the Clubhouse. The song: Favor Me. Not a member? Time to sign up now, it’s free and you’ll be happy you got to see the video, among all the other goodies located there.
Did ya catch the Super Bowl? I was hanging with a bunch of friends in Hermosa Beach. Little food, little beer, lots of fun. The game itself was pretty good (I’m not a football fan, this is like the one game I watch a year). Some amazing plays. But of course the true nature of the Super Bowl is all the entertainment that occurs away from the football players. The pre-show that is now longer than the actual game is to put it midly – dopey. The commericals are still the highlight of the mid-game fun. My favs were the sky-divers, the godaddy senate hearing, the frozen driver, and the market “robbery”. The worst one of the bunch: Napster (could it have been any lamer?).
Paul McCartney was the Super Bowl’s safe bet. Wouldn’t likely be a wardrobe malfunction with that man. The music and the quality of the performance was a real winner. I even appreciated the fact it was live and not pre-taped. Shows that someone can entertain and actually sing for real – without the need to be relying on a site gag.
Movie Pick of the Week: Hotel Rwanda. I caught this one on a whim. I knew going in it would be a tough movie. In case you don’t know, Hotel Rwanda is based on a major massacre that happened there back in the mid 90’s. Don Cheadle is proving his acting skills in a breakout role. Unfortunately I have the feeling this movie is going to be ignored. There is a lot of pain and hard choices made in this movie. It draws you in and jerks you around as you’re witnessing genocide from the inside of the situation. This movie is not for the faint of heart. If you can’t take cold blooded killing, and lots of blood, you may wish to stay away. I highly recommend this film – even if you are squimish.
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