Its Friday and I’m feeling a bit crazy! Well, maybe I’m not really crazy, but I have been doing some research into a new digital file format called WEED. Now you must be asking yourself, what is WEED? Glad you ask. Weed files are a nifty new version of WMA files. They are 192k mp3’s that have some kind of special digital rights. How does it work? you ask. Well, essentially the same as any other WMA file. It may require you to upgrade your WMA player. But once you have, you can play any weed file only 3 times for free. That’s right, get to hear any weed file 3 times for free. After the third time you press play, you’ll be asked to pay for the song in order to hear it more.
Now, this gets even better, me as the artist gets paid when you purchase the song. However, you, the music fan, have the oportunity to make money off this as well. How do I MAKE MONEY on a WEED file Jody? It’s easy, after you purchase the song, you can freely trade the song to your friends or on the P2P networks. Then if someone else purchases one of the songs you’ve traded – you make a cut of the sale. Its the greatest pyramid scheme ever invented – you get great music, and you can make money just for trading it (provided you trade a file you purchased).
The only drawback at the moment is that it only works on PC’s. I’m being told that Mac, and Linux compatibility of the players are coming soon.
So, while I’m off to go sing a song, you can now visit the music (Albums) page and check out the weed files and have some fun.
Oh, and the song? I’m singing a song written by CJ Vanston and a couple of his co-writers (Jon Shanks, and Johnny Elkins). Who is CJ Vanston? He’s part of the master-mind group behind Spinal Tap and A Mighty Wind. I’m excited to have been asked to sing this.
Have a great day!