• More shows

    You’re probably hoping to hear the Frosty, Heidi and Frank stuff for Should I Stay or Should I Go? <– that’s the link, hint hint. G’head play it and have fun listening to what everyone had to say.

    Yes, there are shows in the works. Look above and you’ll see a couple of things listed. But c’mon back as more are going to be added soon.

    I’ve had a chance to see the initial pictures for the CD/DVD package for “Practical Insanity”. I think it’s going to really be a different concept. I can’t wait to see the final outcome. Stay tuned, I’ll probably post some FPO’s of the cover in the next few weeks.

    Visit the Low Down archive to read up about my experience writing with some heavy duty songwriters.

  • Oneness and songwriting

    Got to spend the day writing a song with a group of talented writers for an organization called “Oneness”. It was kinda weird as I felt like the odd-boy-out. Everyone there had amazing credentials or were signed on major labels. Then there’s little ol’ me feeling like I got sent to boot camp. It felt good to be welcomed into the fold of 50 songwriters that have written numerous songs that you’ve likely heard. It felt even better to come highly recommended to the group.

    I was paired up with a couple of hit lyrisists. Which when it comes down to it, was a bit strange. I was the musical force in the room and sort of mediated between two people very passionate about words, who also looked for input from me as to what to say. The song we wrote is called “in Disguise”. The subject matter has to do with breaking down barriers between people. And the end of the day, all the writers groups were put on stage to perform the music they had just written. Let me tell you, it was pretty amazing to hear what some of those groups came up with. Every song was really good, but there were a couple that flat out killed. The concept behind “Oneness” is for musicians to use the power of music to write something positive to help heal the world. I will certainly attend again next year.

    When I get the demo of “In Disguise” done, I’ll post a two minute clip here.

    If you’re looking for the Frosty, Heidi and Frank show clip that I was featured on, the link is here: Should I Stay or Should I Go

  • Happy Birthday and Should I Stay

    Happy Birthday! Oh Yeah, it’s Jody’s birthday today.

    On the side note, I finally got the audio for the KLSX 97.1 Frosty, Heidi and Frank show. What a fun birthday present! So, I decided to edit out the majority of the songs and and chopped out all the commercials. Here’s the link for you to listen in on how I did on Should I Stay or Should I Go.

    Starting to get the feet wet into getting more shows. On the hush hush is the fact that Frosty, Heidi and Frank have put the feelers out for a live show on the air with them in the near future. I’ll let everyone know when I know more.
