Well, the word is out. I’ve got people all over the place checking out the business plan. So Practical Insanity will become a reality for the world soon. In the meantime I really have to thank Sennheiser for highlighting me in their last Press Release!
Also, as you look at the concert calendar, you’ll notice that August 7th will be the first show since the recording of Practical Insanity has finished. I figure it’s a great way to get a bunch of friends down for not only my upcoming Birthday, but for my friend Colin who has invited me and the band back for the second annual Colin Thompson Bash. Everyone can now stop asking when the next show in Los Angeles is: It’s August 7th.
Since I’m antsy to get playing, I’ll start booking some low key shows until we have a solid booking agent lined up for the full-on national tour to commence later this year in support of Practical Insanity.
The cover photo shoot will happen in the next two weeks. I’ve assembled a crew of people and we’re headed to Ed Ouellette’s Studio in Valencia CA. He’s the genius behind the camera from the cover shoot of “is this considered naked”. Also in the wind… There is the possibility of another video shoot happening really soon. Song and date have yet to be picked but there is interest from management to put another one in the can before the release of the CD and DVD.
Come Back Soon!