• Beaming Like A Supernova

    Beaming Like A Supernova

    supernova studioHow do you write a tune about a Supernova?

    A little like this. You play basketball with a bunch of guys who all work in the music industry. Guitar players, singers, bassists, drummers, mixers, etc. Jumping around pretending to be NBA type players. There’s a lot of shit talking and then saying hey, we should make some music. Such is the case for myself and Claude J Woods. We met playing basketball.

    We started with a tune called Keep The Swagg Up – very Hip Hop. The second one we wrote was Whipped again more hip hop in nature. This time around it’s more of an urban pop R&B type thing called Supernova.

    Step inside with me as I play you a clip of the song as I’m working on the mix.


    YouTube player


    Working on a song called: Supernova. And it
    sounds a little something like this.

    You’re more than a star
    You’re beaming like a Supernova
    That just blasted through my heart and took over


    Have a great day!

  • More Guitars To Record

    More Guitars To Record

    more guitarsA late night discussion last night with my co-producer led to a statement of more guitars! That is what is being called for in the final stages of American Mayhem production. As a guitar player I don’t really have a problem with recording more guitars. It’s what I do. Earlier today I thought I’d bring you in on part of my little journey of laying down more guitars. Layers baby. Layers.

    Watch as I screw up. Ha ha ha.

    Ah the life of a professional musician. Sometimes it takes more than one take. Or even more than one guitar. The true awesomeness is when it all comes together and sounds spectacular.

    More Guitars

    YouTube player

    Enjoy the journey, can’t wait for you to hear the final product when it comes time to get it out to your ears.

    It’s epic.

    That’s an understatement.

    Stay tuned for more.

  • Elixir Las Vegas

    Elixir Las Vegas

    elixirVegasIn case you missed it, I played the Elixir in Las Vegas last weekend.


    It’s kinda hard to express how red. I mean RED. Really. Really. Really. R.E.D. The elixir is. In the immortal words of Nigel Tufnel, “It’s so red, its like it can get none more red.”

    After getting over it’s redness, I got busy with cranking out an acoustic set of music for this fancy vampirey establishment. Knocking out originals and some covers to great response from the crowd. Unfortunately, the video clip I have from the show was shot using the 8mm app on a friend’s phone. Apparently he didn’t know he was recording 8mm camera noise instead of the actual audio.


    Why I oughta…

    Pow, right in the kisser.


    I’ll have to let you know that the crowd enjoyed the show. Comments were along the lines of: “It was awesome!” “Your voice is amazing!” “You sounded great!”

    I’m working on returning to the Las Vegas area in mid January. So mark your calendar to join me in Sin City then! It could be Elixir again.