Tag: 360RA

  • Next Steps

    Next Steps

    What a wild rush. I’ve been working on so many things in the past month that it’s a literal whirlwind of musical mess.

    My weekly releases are well underway. So far they’re scheduled all the way out into June at this point. Hard to imagine based on the number of years I’ve been in this journey. Once upon a time you spent time creating a full album. Spent even more time working on the marketing, the release, a tour, etc. Now it’s more like constant creation. Which is fuckin hard.

    The largest recent change has been the website. I had roughly 95% of it done when I wrote the last update. As of Monday night 2025/03/10, I got another major bit solved. That bit… being able to load lyrics and song information with a click on the title on any music page.

    Places like Genius, MusixMatch or Lyricfind are awesome resources and I do attempt to keep my lyrics passed along to them. However, what better place to get the actual words I sang on something than right here on my website.

    Beyond the lyrics, for those nerds like myself, there is a plethora of additional information for my songs (not necessarily for any covers I may have released). You can find running time, copyright information, ISRCs, ISWCs, registration codes, etc. It’s the super geeky shit.

    On the underside of the music pages there’s going to be a rotating video background. It’s harder to see on a phone which is fine because it’s probably a bit more distracting than it should be. However, on a desktop or possibly an iPad you get the fuller experience. I will be changing them fairly regularly going forward.

    Still working on the storefront / shop area, but it is in working order.

    Musically speaking, I’m about to be getting full on into 360RA mixes. Those along with all the Dolby mixes I’ve finished will be releasing in the future. Likely towards the end of the year. Immersive music is really damn cool and starting to get really good even for headphones.

    More good things coming…

  • Breaking the Silence

    Breaking the Silence

    One would think that I’ve been off the reservation with how long it’s been since there was a previous update. [you can go to the last news post and see that it was in December 2022, yikes]

    Tempting to say that I was a caterpillar that went into a lengthy two year cocoon, to end up as a butterfly emerging in 2025. Or maybe, a phoenix rising from it’s ashes being born anew. Nah, it’s the caterpillar example.

    The cocoon I was in was the studio. After doing the remixes of the Christmas music, there was a palpable tension hanging around me in regards to the next steps of my music career. Sadly though that tension is still there, I’ve stopped waiting on it; should it come to fruition it will get announced here.

    I opted take on a rather large remix and new mix situation. After experiencing the updated feel of the Christmas songs, it felt silly not to tackle other older material. Applying decades of experience to those recordings, which were done with cutting edge technology then, to improve the quality now. With console software, new audio listening qualities, newer and more refined fx, I’ve taken those old recordings and done to them what I wished could have been done when they were first done.

    This includes cleaning up edits. Improving room sounds, delays and other effects. Now they sound more like records and cohesive.

    Into the new frontier. Along with improving the original stereo releases (and yes that means the old versions will be disappearing from streaming services and no longer sold on physical media) I’ve also updated them with spacial audio mixes.

    You might ask: what is a spacial audio mix Jody.

    Welp, I’m talking Dolby Atmos. Currently making the rounds for some of the music you hear on Apple Music or some other streaming platform. There is also the forthcoming spacial audio called 360RA, it’s in beta and I’m fortunate enough to be testing it out. It’s got a different quality to Atmos. It still works in headphones and man does it make music sound great.

    When those albums get re-released in the coming months and years, they will have animated cover art, and spacial audio mixes to go with. On as many platforms that make use of it.

    The silence got broken a few weeks ago with the release of a version of Do You Want to Play for the Las Vegas Golden Knights. It’s been a substantially long time since I’ve updated those for all the new teams that have sprung up in the last 8 years or so. The largest group is in the G-League which appears to constantly be tweaking itself.

    That means new teams for the NHL (I’m still waiting on Utah’s team to get it’s official name so I can get that one done), the NFL, the NBA, the WNBA, the G-League, MLB and a couple of surprises for a particular school in Utah.

    To wrap up this overly long update, be prepared as there is a lot of material coming and it all sounds great!