Tag: a musician with a full plate

  • A Musician With A Full Plate

    Unlike the recent story that graced the pages of the SESAC Magazine, this interview with the Park Record is one I haven’t forgotten about. Mostly because I sat with Scott just last week. Based on that and him telling me the story would run on Saturday it’s pretty easy to remember that it was recent. The best part is, it’s another write up that really went well. I may be a musician with a full plate, but I still enjoy reading a good article.

    Here’s the link for the article that appeared in The Park Record on Saturday May 12th. (click the paper name)

    The two highlights are the song voting and the Patrons of Music points that are being announced and are now open on my website. In order to vote on songs, you need to log in to my website here (in the upper right of the column to the right of here). Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to see the “Voting” link in the menu. You hit that and bingo, you can listen to demos for the next CD and then vote on them. It’s a beautiful thing.

    For the Patrons of Music, I’m going the Kickstarter type route without using Kickstarter. The article explains why. Mostly because I’m wanting to cover all my bases beyond major investors.


    — Jody