Tag: blue steel

  • Dean Markley Blue Steel Acoustics

    Dean Markley Blue Steel Acoustics

    dean-markley-blue-steel-acousticsToday I’m finally getting around to changing the strings on my Taylor 615ce with a set of Dean Markley Blue Steel acoustics. After several live performances and a couple of recordings, including a cover of “Not A Bad Thing” by Justin Timberlake, it’s time I sit down and get my first impression of a new line of strings.

    Sit with me as I take off some old flat strings that got played to death. Then watch me do things I don’t recommend doing with your strings.

    Get tuned up. Stretched out. Ready to play.

    Finally top it off with what my initial reaction is to hearing how Dean Markley Blue Steel acoustic strings make me feel. Rather what I think they sound like on my favorite acoustic guitar.

    First Impression Dean Markley Blue Steel Acoustics

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    Sometimes your strings are flat and you need to change ’em.

    First things first. Sexy, minimalistic packaging going on. Some kind of sticky thing. Inside we have a package. Sealed strings. Let’s open ’em up. Let’s find out what they’re like.

    They come in two winds. They look like they’re kind of color coded. Better read the packaging. High E, is black. The B string is blue. G string is black. D string blue. A string black and low E string, blue. Alternating color scheme. I’m using medium acoustics. Thirteen through fifty-six, my favorite kind. De-tune strings. Get ’em off. Here we go.

    Low E string if I remember correctly that is going to be black. The B string. Agh. I can tell you right now that they don’t taste very good. String G. Cryogenically activated strings have a very very odd taste. Don’t eat your strings.

    Fly and be free.

    Black for the A. The lower strings, they don’t taste any better than the upper strings. Ah, what a symphony of sound that is.

    Stretch ’em out just a little bit. Blue steel’s generally don’t require a whole lot of stretching on the electric side. So hopefully they won’t require a whole lot of stretching on the acoustic side.

    Handy dandy PolyTune by T.C. Electronics. Awesome app for getting your guitar in tune.

    Ok. We’ve got it tuned up. Let’s clip the strings off. Once you’ve clipped the strings it’s a good idea to tune once again. Just incase there’s any slippage.

    That’s interesting… No slippage whatsoever, it’s still in tune.

    As far as sound goes.

    They have a good solid tone to them. Not overly bright but nice and solid at least with the fingertips.

    They have a real nice solid tone to them. I really dig it. Don’t sound overly buzzy. They sound nice and big and full. That’s actually a really good thing. I like that.

    Dean Markley I think you’ve hit an A+ out of the park home run with these strings.