Tag: club

  • And The Winner Is…

    I want to thank everyone that entered to name my Fan Club. I got some really fun ones, some really strange ones, and some that made me think whaaa? Either way, I’m spending a little time rambling about it as I really wanted to dig in and give you, the fan, a chance to make a difference. I really love the fact that you put in time and effort to come up with what you did. It’s really a heartwarming thing. It truly is! I think without further ado I need to say: And the winner is…

    Unity 42

    Submitted by Tom B. Patter.

    The reason behind it was two fold. First was the word Unity – the concept of uniting people thrills me. Not only because it’s uniting the idea of the fan club, but also uniting people behind my music. The number 42 represents a play on the book Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. Wherein if you’re familiar with the story… 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. Thus uniting music with life, the universe and everything, well that really worked for me.

    So congrats to Tom B. Patter for the winning submission. You rock my world and you’ll be getting all my released music to boot.

    Here’s the runner ups:

    Division 83 – Monty Wilson
    J-Sides – Jeff Peterson
    The Unexpected’s – Stacee Schmidt-Cottrell

    They each receive a song of their choice. As well. Thanks yet again to everyone that participated, you’re all winners for putting forth the effort! For those sittin on sidelines waitin to see what would happen, I hope you’ll put your party hat on next time!

    – Jody