A little while ago on Twitter I put it out there asking Tweeps what song they’d like to see me do a cover of. One of the requests that came in was for Tool’s Sober. I thought – hey, that’s an interesting one if I do it with acoustic guitars and a single vocal. I found some time to put a day aside to learn the song, come up with a couple of guitar parts that would work acoustically. I recorded it. Sang it. I put it down for a couple of weeks as I was busy shooting video and recording some of my tunes. A few days ago while taking a little vacation to visit my sister, I spent a couple of hours shooting some video for the cover song. I give you:

There’s a shadow just behind me,
Shrouding every step I take,
Making every promise empty,
Pointing every finger at me.
Waiting like a stalking butler
Who upon the finger rests.
Murder now the path of “must we”
Just because the son has come.
Jesus, won’t you fucking whistle
Something but the past is done?
Jesus, won’t you fucking whistle
Something but the past is done?
Why can’t we not be sober?
I just want to start this over.
Why can’t we drink forever.
I just want to start this over.
I am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you.
Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you.
I will chew it up and leave,
I will work to elevate you
Just enough to bring you down.
Mother Mary won’t you whisper
Something but the past is done.
Mother Mary won’t you whisper
Something but the past is done.
Why can’t we not be sober?
Just want to start this over.
Why can’t we sleep forever.
I just want to start this over.
I am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you.
Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you.
I will chew it up and leave,
Trust me [x5]
Why can’t we not be sober?
Just want to start things over.
Why can’t we sleep forever.
I just want to start this over.
I want what I want [x4]
Enjoy my take on it. Make me happy by hitting the YouTube subscribe button. Share it all around.
I don’t often work on doing cover songs. There’s a bit of a foreign concept to me. Mostly due to me not learning a lot of songs when I started playing music. However, once in a while I do find a song where I’ll actually learn it and do a version of it. Such is the case with a recent P!nk tune known as Just Give Me A Reason.
I’ve worked up a version with a new signing friend Kristy Hanson. She’s actually tackling P!nk’s part, while I’m putting the music and the duet vocal part of Nate Ruess. I’m happy with the way it’s turning out. I should be done with the mix tonight.
Here’s a little lyric image of the chorus:
I’ll likely be shooting some video for this and making it one of the pledge rewards for those who are interested in being a part of my PledgeMusic campaign coming on July 8th.
In the meantime, enjoy your day. Don’t be broken! Thanks P!nk for another great song. At some point I’m gonna want to co-write one with you. That’s right, I’m throwing the gauntlet down and saying I want to write a hit duet with you as well.