Tag: debate

  • Trouble Figuring Out How To Describe A Song Who Do I Diss

    Trouble Figuring Out How To Describe A Song Who Do I Diss

    how-to-describe-a-songEver wonder how we musicians figure out how to describe a song to others so that they’ll understand what the song is before they get to hear it? It’s important to know how to describe the sound of a song to others before they hear it. The better the description, the more enticing it becomes to the uninitiated to hear it. Catch a glimpse of us working through one of the steps of understanding the song so we can approach knowing how to describe it to you, the listener. Follow George Leger III, Jesse Stern and I as we pull apart some fine points in the studio.

    The debate get a little heated, or does it? There’s definitely some laughter due to the responses we give each other. It’s an awesome what to arrive at the best method to figure out a song. BTW – who do I diss in this video? Find out!

    Describe A Song

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    I’m just trying to think. I’ve been trying to describe this song to people I’m really not sure what to tell them. You know what I mean? Touch is very easy to describe. It’s this, this, this, and this. And I’m trying to think, what is… what is Till We Meet Again? It’s like.

    Exactly! It’s that kind of a song. It’s about… wanting to be with somebody.

    Right. But.

    Now, the question I have for you is this person a friend, or is this a girl?

    Well Jesse and I wrote it together. So maybe it was about us. I don’t know.


    Is it about friendship? Or is it about romance?

    Both. I think really. The passion with somebody you have, then split.

    I didn’t know he felt this way about me.

    Well. You know…

    I feel this way about a lot of people, I just don’t tell them.

    We have bromances going on left, right and center around here. You know how it is.


    So anyway. I don’t know. I was just trying to figure out what we would actually call it when I go to describe it. Of course the song is not really done. But I was kinda thinking it’s like Train meets an 80’s power ballad without the soaring vocals. And a little bit bouncy.

    No no no no no. I see the more like uh, like what’s his face. The guy you mention all the time.

    John Mayer?

    John Maher what’s that Your Body Is A Wonderland.

    Yeah, there ya go.



    I don’t want it to be that dated though.

    Dude! Dated? Fuck that. It’s not dated or not dated. It’s the attitude that I’m talking about.

    Who’s David?

    It’s the vibe…


    No, I’m just trying to figure out what I would

    [who’s David, ha ha ha]

    denote it as.

    So yeah. What is it? Is it a romantic thing or is it ah, not a romantic thing.

    I think it’s a longing thing.

    But for what?

    For someone, one person.

    Well. Ok. Yeah. Ok.

    That’s how I’ve always… thought of it.

    That’s how I’m thinking of it.

    [Yearning for love]

    You know maybe it’s it’s kind of like keeping the flame alive. Maybe one day…

    Yeah. Exactly.



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