Tag: jody whitesides

  • White Men Discussing Rap

    White Men Discussing Rap

    SPM-south-park-mexicanWhat could be more out of wack than three white men discussing rap music? That’s right. Jesse Stern starts us off with an off the cuff remark about rap music and George Leger III takes over discussing the state of modern rap in Southern California. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a lot of rap I like for it’s originality, it’s beat, it’s wild-blue-yonder approach. Yet listening to George talk about the artists he’s hearing about from the youth group he works with, is definitely an eye opening and mind expanding situation for myself and Mr. Jesse Stern.

    Find out my expression and how I react to a group that I’ve never heard of. Actually all the groups that George mentions are groups I hadn’t heard of until he mentioned them. Jesse takes it all in stride. What ended up happening afterwards is that I’m now more aware of some of the new modern rap coming out of Southern California. Not necessarily a bad thing.

    What say you? Who is rapping stuff so awesome that you can’t believe they’re not uber famous yet? Give me some names so I can flesh out my measly commercial rap collection.

    White Men Discussing Rap

    YouTube player

    There’s a lot of really cool rap out.

    Productionwise it’s so minimalistic.

    Uh Hmmm.

    That I… it’s like driving on ice.

    Do you do a lot of rap?

    I do where I work ’cause the kids, that’s what they want to do.

    That’s what the kids are doing these days…

    They’re not producing music. They don’t even know what music is. Well, that’s not true. I can’t really say that, ’cause… You know. They. It’s been really intriguing with them to try and turn them on to other kinds of music.

    Uh Hmmm.

    And other stuff because they’re so into this ridged little clique of music. ASAP Rocky, fuckin’ ah, SPM, South Park Mexicans. Yeah.

    Is that a band or a style.

    That’s a band.


    I was about to say if that’s a style, it’s way off my radar.

    There’s a band down in Orange called FUNK.

    They’re just called FUNK?

    They’re just called FUNK. And like all the gangsta kids love ’em. They’re all like, I want FUNK man. I hear it. Like who the fuck is FUNK? FUNK is the they’re a band man.

    Funk is that guy right there. He got the funk.

    Well, they’re, you know. Eh, South Park Mexicans, SPM, there’s like four or five guys, that’s all they talk about when they talk. ASAP Rocky is one of them.

    Give me some more rap to check out in the comments.

    Enjoy your day!

    – Jody

  • Don't Kick The Baby Is Smart Advice

    For those of Unity 42 and beyond who are not aware, I am part of a side project. I had a musician friend come to me wanting to write a sports anthem and thus started a new project. I can say that don’t kick the baby is smart advice, but Don’t Kick The Baby is also the name of the band or rather the project.

    What did we do? We wrote a soccer (football for our worldview friends) anthem. It’s called Go Get The Goal. Much like what I did for Do You Want To Play, we did numerous versions for different leagues. So far we’ve covered the US, England and Australia. Coming soon we’ll be doing versions for Latin teams, and then we’ll be going after many more languages and countries. Our goal is to cover the world with a soccer/football anthem.

    As of right now 4 of the 7 albums we’ve done are on iTunes and Amazon. Later this week should see the other 3 being released. We’re excited. We’re so excited we have a Twitter handle and an official website as well. They’re still in their early stages. We’d love it if you’d follow us on twitter and tweet about us as well as finding us on Facebook, spread that gospel of soccer.

    It’s said that Don’t Kick The Baby is smart advice, but the smarter advice is to get the song then go out and get the goal. You’ll be happy you did. We’ll be happy you did. I’ll be happy you did. It’s a super win situation.

  • Inside SESAC's Spring 2012 Magazine

    Inside SESAC's Spring 2012 Magazine

    A few days ago I was made aware of a nice little fact that had escaped my awareness. Back in January I was interviewed by SESAC about things I had going on musically. The writer of the article managed to whittle a two hour interview down to a half page write up inside SESAC’s Spring 2012 magazine.

    Makes me wish I was the mug on that cover. However, I can understand the desire to go with a well known quantity. Not far off is the day where I’ll be that known quantity – minus all the drugs and abuse. Beside the nice writeup that Tommy Lee gets, I didn’t know he was a SESAC artist until now, there’s a another person inside those pages whom you may recognize. He goes by Jody and you’re here on his website.

    Initial feedback that I’ve heard from friends is that the article is really well written and looks great too. One thing I really dig about my P.R.O. SESAC, they are detail oriented and do things with paid attention to that detail.

    At this point I know you’re wondering to yourself ‘how do I get to read and/or see this article about you Jody?’

    Good question. The answer lies in clicking right here -> SESAC Spring 2012. [or you may have already clicked on the cover image…]

    Take a moment to read it, enjoy it, then make me happy and proud by spreading it around. Click on the share button [below] and pick all your favorite services. You’ll feel instantly better when you do it. Right as rain as “they” say. All because you helped a musician inside SESAC’s Spring 2012 magazine get a further reach on the web with your good deed.

    More coming soon.

    — Jody

    p.s. – have you signed up on my email list yet?