Successful Crowdfunding
I got hooked up with a new PR firm a couple of weeks ago. One of the things we talked about is getting funds together to break through the stratosphere for music promotion. Part of that goal includes making use of a style of funding that I had been loath to attempt – crowd funding. They helped me to see to some light on the subject and now I’m gearing up to go for a campaign for successful crowdfunding with you and me. New territory.
What I’ve seen from a vast majority of bands/musicians that have attempted this route is utter failure. Mostly because they’re underestimating what they need to get something done right. Then they’re not pushing it correctly with enough help and without a compelling reason. All that = a recipe for disaster.
Getting It Together
Mind you, I’ve done my budget. I’ve got it all figured out. While the amount I know I need isn’t realistic from a crowd funding situation, I do believe that I can achieve the goal if it’s done in stages and with help. Thankfully I’ve got the initial step of help. All the people who are going to be involved with the recording have stated they’re up for helping out too. First step is the recording of 18 songs.
Currently I’m in the midst of researching all sorts of things involved with doing a successful crowdfunding situation and started putting together the initial information for a site called PledgeMusic (they’re the peeps I’m going to use for this adventure). I’ve got one more book to devour about how to do it right. Then it will be off to the races.
Your Ideas
I’ve put together most of the levels of funding/donations for the campaign. Since it’s still in flux, I’m happy to accept input as to what you would want from me as a gift and what it’s worth. I’ve got some good ones, but I can always use more.
Once my new PR partners feel comfortable, we’ll launch it. It’s bold. It’s exciting. Being that I’m taking a leap of faith to attempt something I’ve poo-pooed in the past. I’m understanding why lots of them have failed and I don’t wish to make that same mistake. It also helps that I just came from a meeting about angel investors and they were talking the glories of crowd funding as well. Didn’t hurt that I also met a couple of angel investors whom may want to jump in on the situation.
Here’s my early desire from you
I’m going to need your help when I get this campaign going. Thus, if you’re not on my email list – please fill out the Unity 42 list by clicking on the link in the upper right (I know you see it). I’ll keep you informed as to what day it will launch and how you can help. I’ve got some great things that will happen if I happen to overshoot my goal. Be a part of the magic and a successful crowdfunding campaign with me and a great batch of music.
As I’m closing in on the songs that will wind up on the next release, I’m looking into other aspects of things that need to be brought into order. I put out calls to the musicians that I will be hiring to record the other instruments. I’m planning on going as live in the studio as I can for this next excursion into recording. I’ve talked the drummer. I’ve talked to the bassist. I’ve talked to the 2nd guitarist. I’m still putting out feelers for backing vocals. Beyond the studio I’ve been revamping my business plan into a shiny new PDF file. This is the point where I say: help me find angel investors.
Actually the reality is, I’m looking for investors in general, Angel or otherwise.
Do you know of such people? Would you be willing to link up a musician who has all the pieces of the puzzle to make things happen? I’ve got the proper connections to make a go of taking my act on the road and being successful with it. The only missing element is the money to make it happen. Being so inclined to make that link, I’m more than happy to sign an NDA. I’m also inclined to have you point them to the following special page: On Records Investor Proposal.
It’s not for the faint of heart. So please only do so if you’re serious.
For you, the helpful fan and music buff who wants to see a musician make it to the top without a label and with your help, I’ll make it worth your while. Details only given to those who are absolutely serious about this. It’s not a joke. Please contact me and lets get the ball rolling. Be a part of the magic and watch what happens!
For everyone else interested helping out. There is going to be a kickstarter campaign coming for helping to raise the money for the recording part of it. At this point, I’m looking at raising nearly $15,000 to cover recording costs, in about 4 chunks. Videos and details will be coming very soon.
So not only am I asking you to help me find angel investors, I’m also asking for you to be one as well.